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"Merci" Algería gave the man the money and got out of the car. She had finally arrived in Canada. It was pretty cold, unlike Spain. "You're late, as always." He walked towards her. "You weren't the one who talked to people who don't understand you" "They speak French here, as well as English and you should be able to speak the latter" "Whatever. I'm cold, can we go in?" "Sure, but first, we have to get up that mountain." Algería looked in the direction he was pointing. "You aren't serious..." "You can stay here if you prefer." He grabbed her bag and started walking. "Wait, Lui! I don't want to get lost!" Algería ran after her best friend and they climbed the mountain. Once at the top, there was even snow and Algería had the feeling of being in Antarctica. Lui unlocked the door of the hut and the two entered it. The hut was heated, although it could be a little warmer, it was better than outside. They took away Algería's luggage and made themselves comfortable in the living room. "What exactly do you expect from training here?" Lui handed the girl a cup of tea and then sat down next to her. "I want to get into the Turbo Awakening" "The Turbo Awakening?" "Haven't you ever heard of it?" "Yes, quite a bit but I never thought that you would be interested in it" "Why not? Beys with the Turbo Awakening are almost impossible to burst" "There you have it. Just almost. You can't just get up focus the Turbo Awakening only. You can burst any bey" "I know that and I don't want to focus on it either. I just want to use the Turbo Awakening as a back-up solution too" "Back-up solution? Since when do you need something like a back-up solution?"

Algería was silent. "Algería?" She still said nothing. "You know exactly how much I hate it when you obviously hide something from me" "It has nothing to do with you" "It can be true, but it still seems to bother you, so out with it" She hesitated briefly. "You know I was on the Battle Cruise" "Yeah" "That Phi...Something's wrong with him...He made Aiger Akabane so weird...I mean he destroyed Valtryek... He wasn't like that at the start of the Battle Cruise." "And what makes you think that Phi has anything to do with it?" "He had already hinted at me at the beginning...And I know that he's not only after me and not only after Aiger..." "Who else?" "Phi also wants to get at Free, since he knows that Free and I are close...And he's probably after Valt too..." "Did you tell Free about it?" "No, and I don't want him to know either...If he did, that would put him even more in Phi's focus...As long as he's aiming for me head on, Free is safe" " Hey, it's not up to you to protect him!" "Nor is it up to Free to protect me, but he would want to do it if he knew about it" "Then I have to do something about it" "No! If Phi knows that you and I have a connection and you show yourself, he will also use you as leverage against me. You must not interfere" "Do you really think that I will sit there and do nothing while a madman is after you and threatens you?" "Lui please...hold back this time...this is really important to me...I know what I'm doing...please"

Algería knew her best friend was not happy about this, but she also knew that all he could do was trust her. After all, Lui couldn't be by her side and protect her all her life. He sighed. "Fine, but if this guy goes too far, I won't hold back, whether you like it or not" Algería nodded. "As long as you trust me for now, that's fine." Lui got up. "Up you go. Training won't take care of itself" "At least tell me we're not staying here...It's really cold here" "I don't make special requests just because of you" "I regret it to have come here already." The girl sighed and emptied her cup. "I don't remember you whining like that" "I don't know, maybe it's you too" Algería got up and they started training. Training with Lui was definitely not easy, but Algería had expected that. Luckily they had left the mountain after all. It wasn't much warmer in the valley, but it was better than nothing. They walked until they got to a training hut that Lui's parents had meanwhile rented for him. They had all kinds of equipment there that they needed for training. It was definitely strength training, something Algería wasn't used to.

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