Chapter 14

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MJ didn’t feel her feet touching the ground until she realized she could hear every step he took behind her. Measured, even. Quiet. He was everything she was dying for in that moment. She trailed her hand along the wall as she walked to slow herself down. Nerves started just below her heart and spread, fluttering up and out her mouth on a shaky breath and down through her stomach. He hadn’t hesitated. She hadn’t planned for that.

It was dark inside, all the halls were in low light, but he knew where to go. He kept a fair distance behind her in case she changed her mind, and because he feared she could hear his heartbeat from where she walked.

He hadn’t been with anyone in a while, but her invitation had been unmistakable. He had thought many times about the last time they had been that close, how it had felt to press his body against hers, the feel of her skin on his bare hands. He had thought many times about the way she flinched away from him, scarred by the men before him. How he would take that pain away from her if he could.

Maybe tonight he would have the chance.

MJ approached the closed door to her room, self conscious about the small space, the small bed inside, her teary eyes and visible ribs, and how she had denied him before. She slowed, reaching for the door and he stopped behind her, his hand beating hers to it.
She stopped as he simply held the handle, unmoving. He was close enough for her to hear his breathing, as even as his footfalls.

She turned her head. A question.

“You’re sure?” He said, under his breath. It washed over her like a wave.

“Yes.” She didn’t whisper. She said it out loud. She didn’t want him to question it.

He turned the handle, letting the door swing open but he kept behind her. She entered, he closed it behind him. When she turned to face him, he spun her and pushed her back against it, pulling off his face covering and letting it fall to the floor. It was dark, which she embraced, running her hands up his arms, feeling every tight muscle beneath his shirt. He was so tall, she could barely reach her arms behind his neck as he leaned down kissed her cheek, her jaw, and then her lips. He was warm and his body covered hers completely. It was like she didn’t even exist.

He somehow always tasted like smoke and mint and she found herself wondering if she tasted bitter like all of her thoughts. If she did, he didn’t seem to mind.

He kissed her for a long time, until her hands left the back of his neck and slid under the edge of his shirt where she lay them flat against his back to pull him closer. She wanted no space between them, no room to think. It was futile because the heavy breath he let out when their bodies pressed together filled her mind with all sorts of thoughts. And she could feel his heart beat against her chest, much louder than his silence. She felt hers match it.
He wanted to go so slow, to be gentle. He wanted her to know how she could move him, like she had outside, looking up at him with those glittering eyes and asking him to stay. He had wasted plenty of time trying to figure out how she had that type of power over him. He had wasted more trying to figure out his own heart and how it could betray him so completely after all the time he’d spent burying it.

He hooked his hands behind her thighs and lifted her off the ground. She gasped against his mouth and slid her hands up his back, wearing his restraint extremely thin. He hadn’t spent that much time trying, really. It was rather easy to become unapproachable, ruthless. To convince everyone around you that your humanity hung by a thread. It wasn’t a lie, it was only a mask.

MJ wrapped her legs around him and put her hands back in his hair. He held her so tight, he wondered if he could pull her inside of himself. It was the only place he felt she could be truly safe.

She pulled away to fight for a deep breath and he turned, carrying her to the bed. She kept her legs wrapped around him as she laid back, pulling his shirt off over his head. It was dark, but she stared at him anyway, his body no less cut than the sharp line of his jaw. He savored her eyes on him for a moment before meeting them. He used his teeth to pull at the fingers of his glove on one hand while the other pushed her shirt up her body.
None of the clothes she had been given fit her quite right and he easily pushed her bra up with it, exposing her chest. Her eyes never left his. He pulled the glove off his right hand, finally, while his left cupped her breast. She reached for it with both of her hands, pulling that glove off, too.

When his skin was on hers, she felt like someone had clipped jumper cables to her soul and cranked the engine. Imprisoned, she had focused so hard on survival, on consuming every ounce of hope that she could scrounge up, that she had forgotten everything else. He was everything else. Danger, lust, excitement.

He felt the slight change in her breathing and bent to kiss her again. She tightened her legs and leaned forward, reaching for the waist of his jeans.

He grabbed her wrist, finding his voice. “Wait.”

It wasn’t hesitation, just a calm command. Neither of them had spoken since they entered the room and even though his voice was low, it echoed around them.

“No.” She frowned.

“Yes.” He chuckled, pulling her hand away and pinning it over her head.
He lifted her further onto the bed and climbed on top, bending to place his mouth in the dip between the base of her neck and her collarbone.

“It’s still my turn.” His voice was smoky, too and she felt it all the way to her toes.

“Fuck.” She breathed and arched against him as he trailed kisses down her chest, between her breasts, all the way to her navel.

She raised her head up to watch him, unsure she could keep herself still. She wanted to be perfect for him. He seemed turned on, like he felt the same pull that she did. She told herself over and over again that he was there because he wanted to be. It wasn’t so hard to believe. She was willing to bet he rarely did anything he didn’t want to.

He looked up at her when he reached the waistband of her pants. Catching her watching him, heat spread over his body. The kind he had previously attributed to anger. He wondered for the first time if perhaps it had been something else.

He kept his eyes on her face as he pushed up onto his knees and slowly pulled the sweatpants down over her hips and off her legs, carefully leaving her panties firmly in place.
He gently pushed her legs open, placing a kiss on the inside of one thigh. Testing. She lay her head back and sucked in a breath. He took his time then, kissing inch after inch of her skin until she was warm and malleable in his hands, until she didn’t jump every time his fingers or lips found a new place to land.

MJ felt her breathing even out. She felt herself melt for him, feeling safe, content to lay and let him touch her like this forever. When she was relaxed, she felt his fingers wander to the waist of her panties. He felt every change in her. She held her breath as he slowly pulled them off like he had her pants.
He put a hand on the inside of either thigh and laid her open, leaning down to kiss her hip bone.

“You’re beautiful.” He said, and she could feel his warm breath on her wet flesh.

“Oh god.”

The breath she had held left her in a quiet whisper as he spread her with two fingers and ran his tongue from the base of her slit to the top. She tasted good, so human, so alive, that he lingered there for a moment. He envied that.

She squirmed under him and he laid his hand on her stomach to keep her still as he found the spot she liked and closed his lips around it. Her breath stuck in her throat, leaving again in a low moan.

He didn’t stay there long. He didn’t want to finish her yet. She watched him through lowered lashes as he sat back and unbuttoned his pants.

As he lowered them over his hips, he took her in. Average height, thin from months of barely eating. That hadn’t taken away from her flawless tan skin and gentle curves. She didn’t look small, she looked delicate. Like his rough hands could easily scar her, like she would be crushed beneath him.

“I would never hurt you.” He was surprised to hear the words out loud, his voice thick with intention.

She knew what he said had little to do with what was about to happen. “I know that, Simon.”

He lowered his eyes to her body again. She could feel his eyes on her in a way she never knew she wanted. Protection crossed her mind for the first time, far too late, but before she could say anything he pulled a condom from the pocket of his pants as he dropped them on the floor.

“You walk around all the time with those?” She asked, her voice still warm and breathy.

He ripped the corner with his teeth. “Since you got here.”

That sent another rush of wet heat between her legs. She watched with widening eyes as he slipped it on himself with one hand, but they rolled back in her head as he slipped two fingers of the other deep inside of her. She felt powerless, completely at his command. He demanded respect with a body like that and she ate it up like her last meal.

He worked her with his fingers for a minute, letting her relax again, adjust to the intrusion. She had lost any capacity for any feeling besides anticipation. When she opened her eyes again to urge him on, he placed his hand on the bed beside her, watching her face as he slowly entered her.
He stayed still for a second, letting her adjust again before pushing a little further. She arched her back, welcoming him. She might never be able to describe how good it felt to be full of him. Her brain scrambled for any coherent thought at all. He pulled out slightly, she nearly wrapped her legs around him again to keep him from leaving, but when they moved he grabbed them and pushed, opening her further. Sliding in deeper.

“Oh god.” She repeated. He couldn’t last forever, not with her voice like that in his ears.

He pulled out, she whimpered in protest and quickly, easily, he took her by both legs and flipped her over.
She pushed quickly up on to all fours. He lay his body over hers.

“Good girl.” He whispered in her ear. She trembled as he filled her again, quicker this time.

After a few pumps, her arms began to tremble. He wrapped one of his around her waist and pulled her up, flush with his body. She lay her head against his chest to feel him breathe. He held her up by her chest as she slowly moved up and down on him still. He took his free hand and touched her lips with his fingers. With a thrill, she granted his request, letting him slip them in her mouth.

His wet fingers found her clit easily and she began to move faster, with less rhythm. She reached backward and dug her fingers into his thigh. A deep groan left his mouth.

She had never heard anything so delicious. She did that. She pulled that sound from him. That and the gentle urging of his fingers sent her over the edge with quiet “Oh” and a shaky moan.

He gently laid her back down, letting her loose body lay flat on the mattress as she spasmed around him. He took her by both hips and thrust into her until he followed, finishing silently and pulling her onto her side to lay against him where he fell.

They caught their breath together. Tears ran down her cheeks. She turned to face him. He couldn’t really see them but he felt them as he ran his hand along her face to push her hair back.

“What is it?” He asked her, same as he had outside.

Again, she didn’t answer. Not with the truth. “You’re leaving.”

“Not this second.” He rolled onto his back, his breathing evening out.

She pulled the blankets over them. “Aren’t you tired of this?”

He wished he could act confused, but he knew why she asked. “This is my job.”

“Aren’t you ready to go home?”

“This is the only home I have.” Again, she had the innate ability to draw words out of him that he hadn’t wanted to say. That he hadn’t wanted to hear, even from himself.

She didn’t push. She didn’t pity him. She just wished that someday that might not be true.

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