Chapter 24

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MJ was visited a lot over the next few days and it was exhausting. They fed her more, though, which was good. They cleaned and wrapped her wounds, they even gave her something for the swelling in her face, although she was hesitant to take it. She did, eventually, figuring that they wouldn't be so kind if they planned to hurt her. They'd want to watch. The people that came and went rarely spoke, unless it was Halcon. She guessed they had learned what happened to their friend in the attic.

But Halcon came in a lot, and he talked a lot. He told her about her sister, how powerful she was, how it was some ancient curse that had made her sick, how much it cost to get her treatment and how they had to travel under the cover of night so no one knew.

They had kept her captive for so long in hopes of breaking her in, turning her. She found that laughable since he had never treated her like a human being at all. But she didn't argue.

He told her that the other cartel families, some they worked with and some that were enemies, were unaware of her illness. That they wanted to unveil Mariana, literally, as the new matriarch before ever having to reveal themselves to be without a head.

She laid in the dark after he left and marveled at the absolute delusion it took to live in such a world. The stories he told her sounded like they came from a YA novel, unrealistic, dangerous to believe. The security camera in her cell blinked at her. She made sure she gave them nothing to see.

She worked over a plan in her mind where maybe she could play along, convince him that she wanted this. Maybe she could find a way to draw the forces working against them closer. She could still do what Price had asked of her.

She wouldn't get the chance. When Halcon visited her the next morning, he revealed that contact had been made.

"Seems I was wrong about our British friends." He paced slowly, like he had something up his sleeve.

Mariana's heart jumped into her throat so she couldn't answer. She hadn't expected to hear about them again so soon.

"They've brought in US aid, made negotiations. Do you know why this is good for us?"

She shook her head, eyes wide. They brought in the US? Were they after her as a possible criminal or as a victim?

"Because they will work with us. The Americans, they love us, and they'll be ready to squeeze you for information." He clasped his hands, the sound snapping her out of her mind. "So. We can't let that happen. You'll have a choice, do what we ask of you, or die."

In that moment, she was empty. Already gone. She had seen a sunrise and the ocean and gentle eyes for the last time. She opened her mouth to speak but he held up a hand to stop her.

"Let me rephrase. They'll be making that choice."


"The recording is legit. As of midnight last night, Ricardo was alive and well."

Smith handed Price a USB drive and Simon bit his tongue so hard he tasted blood. She was very obviously not well.

"Thank you." Price said, taking the drive and shutting the door behind him.

"At ease, soldier." He brushed past Simon on his way back to his desk.

Simon sat, pushing the heels of his hands into his eyes. He needed sleep.

"You need sleep." Price called him out.

"No shit."

"It's almost over now."

He looked up. "Is it?"

Price didn't meet his eyes, taking a pen to write something down. "If all goes to plan."

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