Chapter 12

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I suggest you re read the ending of the last chapter, I've changed it. None of Rori's powers have been revealed.

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I was sitting on the grass keeping an eye on Scott't heart rate whilst Stiles continued to pelt Scott with lacrosse balls. I realised Scott's heart rate was getting dangerously high.

"Stiles!" I called but Scott fell to the ground, breathing heavily. Stiles bobbed down next to me and we watched as the monitor started to exceed the 160s.

"Scott?" Stiles asked cautiously. Scott groaned and gripped at the earth, vexed. We walked towards him slowly as the monitor decreased.

"Scott?" I repeated and put a hand on his shoulder. "You were beginning to change."

"From anger. But it was more than that. It was like, the angrier I got, the stronger I felt." He told us.

"So it is anger, then. Derek's right." Stiles commented.

"I can't be around Allison."

"Just because she makes you happy?" I snapped, he would drop her? Just like that.

"No, because she makes me weak." The glare that I was already supporting, hardened. My eyes flashed gold before I stalked off. Allison was one of my best friends and she seriously liked him and I couldn't believe he would keep hurting her like this.

"R-Rori?" I heard Stiles call as he ran after me. "Hey, you okay?" He asked once he finally caught up to me. I shook my head and stopped walking, looking at Stiles.

"I can't believe he would do this to her. She's probably already hurt and confused over him avoiding her today. How would she feel if he did it for the next few week or however long he plans to keep this ridiculous idea up?" I raved to him and he stayed quiet, just listening with wide eyes. "Why would he think it would be a good idea? It's honestly one of the most stupid ideas I think he's come up with. Avoiding Allison? Please, he could barely go a day without seeing her and-" I was cut of from my rant my Stiles' lips on mine. I kissed back after a moment, putting my hands on his neck before pulling away.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"It's fine. It's nice to see you being annoyed when most of the time your really calm and sweet. Even to Jackson, which is kind of unbelievable." I blushed and chuckled.  I went on my tiptoes to peck his lips again.

"Just for the record." I began. "I'm ignoring Scott until he stops this stupid idea." Stiles nodded.

"Fair enough."


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