Chapter 18

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"Lydia?" I questioned as the teary eyed, strawberry blonde ran up to me, wrapping her arms around me and resting her head on my shoulder. As soon as her arms were around me I squeezed her tight. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Jackson dumped me. He called me a deadweight." I sighed and ran my fingers through her hair, trying to calm her down.

"Honestly Lydia? If he isn't bowing down at your feet then he doesn't know how lucky he was to have had you. You are the best thing that could have happened to him and if he doesn't realise that then he isn't worthy of your time let alone your tears." I told her and pulled out of the embrace, not completely but enough to see her face. I brought my hands up and wiped at her tears. "You understand me?" She nodded with a small smile and hugged me again.


"Come over today?" Stiles murmured in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me, resting his head on my shoulder and laying a short but soft kiss to my neck. I continued to gather my things from my locker and leaving the books I didn't need.

"I can't I'm studying with Danny." I told him and already knew he was pouting without having to look.

"Why don't you study with me?" I turned around after closing my locker and leant against it with Stiles' arms still around my waist.

"Because we both know that if I study with you we'll both get distracted." I poked his nose and he smirked.

"Well maybe I wanna be distracted." He mumbled, staring at my lips with a smirk and I raised an eyebrow. Someone was flirty today.

"Hmm...but maybe you don't want you grades to drop." I retorted and he nodded with a thoughtful face.

"True." He agreed and leant in, pressing his lips to mine softly but the kiss was short-lived as someone cleared their throat.

"You sure you need help with Chemistry, Rori? You seem to have enough of it." Danny joked. I laughed and Stiles' cheeks were tinted pink.


I flopped onto my stomach on Danny's bed and pulled out my books as Danny got on next to me, pulling out his own work.

"So you and Stiles are probably the cutest couple I've seen. I wish I had someone like that." He commented and I blushed, not knowing how to reply.

"Thanks, Danny. And you're probably one of the sweetest people I've met so I'm one hundred percent positive you'll find yourself a sweet hottie." I replied with a wink and he grinned at me. We continued to talk and study...mostly talk when Danny's phone began to ring. He looked at the called ID and rolled his eyes.

"What do you want Stiles?" He deadpanned down the phone and I perked up a bit at the name.

"Uhh I need help with Lab homework."

"I'm actually helping Rori with right now."

"You can bring her then. Pleeeeease, I really need your help. Please, please, please, please-"

"Fine! We'll be over in ten."

"Thankyo-" Danny was quick to end the call and I rolled my eyes.

"That was rude." I chided and Danny raised his eyebrows and laughed.

"What are you, my mother?" He questioned and I laughed. "Anyway, we have to head over to your boyfriends house, apparently the separation anxiety was too much for him to bear." He quipped.


I knocked my knuckles against the wooden door of the Stilinski's home. The door was practically flung open and I smiled at Stiles who'd opened it with a grin. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs with Danny following close behind until we were all in his bedroom and that's when Stiles asked Danny to trace the text.

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