Chapter 13

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I pulled my new shirt down slightly as I rolled over on Stiles' bed. Luckily, I'd gotten changed into something more comfortable before coming over. We were looking through book we'd gotten from the library about Angels since I'd realised I knew basically nothing about any potential powers I could have. I sighed and closed the fourth book, not finding anything that could help me. I let dropped the hardcover on the pile that had already been read and picked up a new one. I opened it and started skimming through the pages when Stiles interrupted me.

"Rori," he called from the computer at the desk. "I think I've found something." I hopped up and walked over to him, looking over his shoulder as he read out the information. "Ok so apparently there's four types of angels. There's cotidiana, auguratricis, elementarium and veneficia." He turned to me and I raised up an eyebrow. 

"I don't know what any of that means." I told him and he chuckled and nodded before turning back around.

"Well, cotidiana means normal. Auguratricis is basically sorceress. Elementarium means elements, so like water and fire and stuff. And veneficia which is basically a seductress. And there's one where an angel can have more than one type of power, it's called Aurea and it means 'golden one.' But being the Aurea is rare. Like really rare. Like 'woah, I just saw a panda in the wild' rare." I nodded and let out a breathy laugh, never knowing any of this. Stiles looked at me concerned.

"You ok?" I smiled tightly at him.

"Yeah." I murmured, unconvincingly. My mother had never told me anything about this. "It's just a lot to take in."

"Come on." He stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me over to his bed. We got under the covers and he pulled me close with my back against his chest.

"It's gonna be fine." He whispered and pressed a kiss to my cheek and I smiled and turned around to face him. "I'll stay with you through this. I promise. Even if you end up hating me. I'll stay with you...because I love you." My eyes widened and I looked at him in stunned surprise. 

"I love how you can only eat cold Doritos for some reason. I love how when your nervous or embarrassed you massage you fingers and hands and shuffle your feet. I love how you feel the need to take photos and that you have one photo album for each of your friend. I love your obsession for basically all things geeky. I love how you can be confident but when I say anything even remotely affectionate to you, you blush. I love the way you dress. I love how easily you get cold and you always ask me to warm you up. I love how you call me at night because you're scared of the dark or because you don't like the lightning or thunder. I love how you steal my clothes and wear them the next day and I always say that you can't wear them but you just smile because you know I love when you do that. I love when you play with your hair. I just love you. I love you so damn much. You have no idea what you do to me. You drive me completely crazy and I love you for it. I love you Aurora and I don't think thats every going to change. I can understand if you don't feel the same way but-" I cut him off my smashing my lips against his. He let out a surprise yelp before kissing back instantly. He lightly ran his tongue over my lip, I allowed him access and our tongues dance in synchronisation. I pressed my hands against his chest and clung to the material of his shirt. His hand run down my arm, placing it on my hip whilst the other moved to cup my cheek. We pulled away slowly and my eyes fluttered open. Stiles looked down at me, with a grin. I smiled back pressed another kiss to his lips. He sighed in content before we pulled away again.

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