Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Episode 1 - The Pilot - Part 1

I tossed and turned, too nervous to sleep

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I tossed and turned, too nervous to sleep. I rolled over and checked the time. 11pm. Even though I knew I should have proper sleep before my first day at a new school, I also knew I wouldn't be getting any sleep. So I rolled out of bed, causing Rilien to pop his head up. I stripped out of my pjs and put on my clothes. I connected Ril to a lead that Lydia and Natalie got for him before sneaking out of the house. I plugged in my earphones before rushing off down the road with Ril trotting along next to me. In about thirty minutes I had reached the woods. I could either go back or explore. Making up my mind, I picked up my pace again and made my way through the dense trees. I heard barking and slowed down. I saw Ril's ears flick up. I pulled my hood up as the rain started. I walked forward, taking each step with caution.

"Scott?" I heard being called out. Flashlights started to appear in my view and the barking got louder. I bundled Rilien into my arms and flung myself behind a tree, panting quietly, trying to even out my breathing.

I heard the men leaving. But another pair of footsteps made their way to me. I stepped out from behind the tree in caution, keeping Ril in my arms. I noticed a boy around my age in a red hoodie walking near me, looking around, his breathing labored. Asthmatic. I immediately thought. I stepped out from behind the tree fully, causing him to jump slightly.

"Are you ok?" I asked quietly and he nodded. I put Rilien on the ground and offered him my hand.

"I'm Aurora, but you could call my Rori if you'd like." He started at my hand a few moments before blinking.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Scott. Are you new?" He asked and I nodded and we kept walking. After a few moments we both stopped, noticing something was wrong. He started to shake his inhaler when deers started to run at us. I dropped to the floor, pulling Scott down with me. I  pulled Ril to my chest covering him mostly and curled up around him. Still gripping the sleeve of Scotts jumper I yelled to him,

"Stay still!" He obeyed and stopped squirming. After a few moments, the last deer went overhead and we both sat up.

"Oh god." He breathed before getting up, he offered me his hand and I took it, pulling myself up. "You ok?" He asked and I nodded letting out a breathless laugh.


"Yeah, I'm fine. I dropped my inhaler though." He flicked on his phone, shining a light towards the ground. I followed his lead with my own.

"You don't have to help." He told me as we kept looking.

"It's no problem. I couldn't sleep anyway, new school and all." I told him and he nodded in understanding.

"Are you going to Beacon Hills High?" I nodded and he grinned at me.

"I go there."

"Awesome! I already have a friend thats going but I don't know if I'll fit into that crowd."

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