A Little Too Late

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Megan POV

Morgan: oh my god!" she squealed as the taxi stopped outside my apartment complex. I rolled my eyes happily as she acted amaze at my apartment complex.

Me: Morgan, calm down." I laughed as she snatched her suitcase out of the taxi. I grabbed my suitcase and thanked the man as my sister ran up the giant marble stairs.

Megan: bitch wait!" I laughed as I carried my suitcase up the stairs. She waited eagerly at my front door as I opened it.

Jackson: Glad to see you are back Ms. Kingsely." he smiled from his front desk.

Me: thank you Jackson." I said. He winked at me as I blushed softly.

Morgan: oop." she said as we made it to the elevators.

Me: what?" I laughed a little.

Morgan: he was definitely checkin you out." she said, hitting my shoulder. I rolled my eyes as she teased me. Jackson at the front desk, I have noticed his stare since I got here, he would blow me a kiss here and there, wink at me a few times.

But I never took his seriously.

Morgan: what, you don't like him?" she asked.

Me: No Morgan, I just don't have time for a relationship." I said.

Climbing off the elevator, she followed me happily to my apartment door. Putting my key in the door, I placed my fingerprint in the fingerprint lock and waited as it scanned me.

Morgan: oo you fancy aren't you." she cooed.

Me: it is nothing special." I laughed as she came in. Placing her bag down by the couch, I turned the lights on as she took her time looking around.

Morgan: you definitely, are living your best life." she said as she opened my blinds. I stood behind her as she carefully opened my balcony door.

Sliding the door open, the breeze from outside hit us as she stepped out. She leaned over my balcony looking down at the many cars driving by below us.

Me: you want something to drink?" I said leaving her there.

Morgan: yeah fix me whatever you got is fine." she said coming in front the balcony. Coming into the kitchen, I reached over the fridge and grabbed some peach circo and two glasses. I began pouring as I heard a soft knock on my door.

Morgan: someone's at your door." she said walking to it.

Me: Morgan no!" I said as she reached for the doorknob.

Morgan: what?" she said at my frantic reaction.

Me:..it might be Anthony.." I mumbled. She gritted her teeth and unlocked my door as I sighed. On the way from the flight, I told her all about Anthony, Jerome..and Trey. Swinging my door opened, I winced as she stood there.

Morgan: can I help you?" she sassed.

Kianna:..yes is Megan back?" she asked as I opened my eyes.

Morgan: Yes, who are you?"

Kianna: girl who are you?" she snapped back.

Morgan: I'm her SISTER, so again who are you?" she snarled. Sighing, I grabbed both our wine glasses before walking over to the door.

Me: here Morgan.." I said, handing her the glass. Looking out my door, I stared at Drita and Kianna as they looked at me with small pity.

Me: I got it Morgan." I said as she eyed me. Sipping her drink, she looked them up and down before disappearing into my apartment.

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