Leeching Ass N****

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Megan POV

I fixed my white dress as I walked to my desk. Opening the doors, I caught a glimpse of Bleu and Kollin going into Mr. Davidson's office.

Kianna: um excuse me." she said catching my attention.

Me: what?" I said placing my bag down.

Kianna: you need to start telling us when you are going to dress like this, so we don't come in jeans and a crop top." she gestured. I smiled at their causal outfits before sitting down.

Me: you guys look great." I smiled.

Drita: Yeah, we wanna look stunning." she said.

Me: I am only dressed this way because Mr. Davidson said he wants me to come with him to a few important meetings today. He told me to dress in white." I said.

Drita: ooo, that makes sense then." she said.

Me: no but we should do that, we should have a week where we dress up together." I smiled.

Kianna: next week we can do that." she said.

Me: perfect." I said. I turned on my iPad and smiled as a smiley face was sent to me. It warmed my heart a little as I sent one back to him.

Mr. Davidson: you in the office?"

Me: Yes Sir." I wrote back.

Mr. Davidson: come see me." he wrote to me. I twisted my lip in hesitation, I wasn't sure I wanted to go in there.

Mr. Davidson: been thinking about you all morning." he wrote again. Smiling small, I closed our messages and got up from my desk.

Me: I'll be back ladies." I said. They waved me off as I headed out into the hallway, I took a few quick steps towards his office before slowing down and fixing my dress. I fixed my hair in the reflection of his glass painting as well as making sure I looked nice.

Anthony: don't you look ravishing.." he hissed making me jump. I felt my heart drop as he stood at the end of the office hallway.

Me: ..how did you get in here?" I mumbled as I stepped backwards to Mr. Davidsons office.

Anthony: didn't your boss tell you? He accepted my meeting invitation." he smirked as he walked over to me.

I cursed him, growing angry with him because I know I put his invitation at the bottom of his list, why did he accept it?

Me: No, he didn't." I said. I reached the door as he came up to me. He stood next to me, smiling as he smelled the fear coming off of me.

Anthony: oh relax Ms. Kingsley, if I wanted to kill you I would not do it in this building." he teased.

Turning away from me, he faced the door as he fixed his tie.

Anthony: you gonna open it and let us in?" he said looking at the closed door.

Lifting my hand up, he chuckled at the trimmer in my hand as I pressed it against the keypad. The doors clicked open making us step back a little.

As the doors widen Mr. Davidson smiled as he saw me first, glancing a few spaces next to me his smile faded immediately as Kollin, Cellious, and Bleu stood up.

Anthony: Good Morning Boys." he said as they glared at him. I stood like a statue as I walked a few feet ahead of him. He walked in beside me as the doors closed behind us.

They didn't say anything as they glared at him, the looks on their faces made me nervous.

Like at any moment, they would jump across the table and attack him and I was a bit to close for that. Stepping a few feet away from him, he followed me as he figured the same thing.

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