Chapter 4

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Today, Serkan had been extremely unreasonable. Anything he could have an opinion on, he would contradict Eda which annoyed her a lot. He had been like this since that dinner with Deniz—he was clearly starting to get jealous of him, but as usual, he shoved this thought in the back of his head. Because to him, him being jealous is impossible.

"" Serkan clenched his fists and tried to hold back his anger as he stood up from his seat at the conference room.

Eda had also been driving Serkan crazy with her little antics. She was not gonna back down from him. Two can play that game. Eda thought.

"You really are crazy!" Without a response, Eda turned around and left with a smug look on her face.

A memory flashes in Serkan's head as Eda walks away.

Serkan was furious. He was faced with an equally raging Eda and they were surrounded by Art Life employees, witnessing their argument.

"Look..." He raised his finger at her. "You really really are crazy!"

"And you are an insensitive robot that does not accept his mistakes!" She, too, raised her finger at him.

"Robot?!" he shouted.

"Robot!" she shouted back, confirming, then walked away.

Serkan shook his head and massaged his forehead. Another memory flash. What does this all mean?! He thought, then sat back down his chair and sighed in frustration. The more he saw Eda, the more he was with Eda, the more the memory flashes kept coming. He really didn't know what to do with them so all he did was push them all in the back of his head.

His thoughts were interrupted by Engin entering the conference room with files in hand. Seeing his friend massaging his forehead with eyes closed, he asked, "Serkan, İyi misin?"

"İyiyim, Engin." He sat properly and looked at his best friend. "I've just been having these memory flashes that I don't understand."

With this statement, Engin sat down next to Serkan with hope in his eyes. "Have you remembered Eda?" he asked excitedly.

"Yok, yok." He waves his hand to say no. "It's just images of Eda and I, and words that don't even make sense. I'm not even sure if whatever I'm seeing in my head is true." he shares with Engin.

Engin appreciates that Serkan has shared this with him; however, he was not sure if he should share this with the others, especially Eda. If he would tell Eda then he is 100% sure that she would force Serkan to remember everything and he is afraid that this might instead drive Serkan further away. So at that moment, he decided to keep it to himself.

"Have you thought of telling Eda this?" he asked.

"Yok, Engin." he looks at Engin annoyed. "Eda and I are obviously not in a state where we can lightly talk about this." Engin nodded.

"Plus, I'm not even sure if these flashes are real!" Serkan lightly exclaimed and Engin just fell silent at his best friend's frustration.

"Neyse, what did you have for me?" he asked.

"Ah–I have files here that need both yours and Edas signatures." He raises his hand to emphasize the papers he was holding.

"Harika." Serkan reacted sarcastically. "She just left."

Engin stood up and shrugged. "I'll leave this up to you, Abi." Setting the files on Serkan's table before leaving the room.

Serkan took a deep breath and sighed.

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