Chapter 7

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"Eda Hanim?" Doctor Asya said, trying to get Eda's attention. "Eda Hanim?"

Eda looked at the doctor, eyes fluttering, before she hit the ground—she fainted. Doctor Asya rushed to her side and called a nurse, who carried her and put her on the examination bed. She checked Eda's vitals and gave her a little time to wake up.

"Hmm..." Eda opened her eyes and saw Doctor Asya, but closed them back again, hoping that she was only dreaming—and that the news she just received was not true. But no, everything was real.

"Eda Hanim." The doctor called out and Eda sat up from the examination bed. "You cannot keep fainting like this. Too much stress is not good for the baby." Eda was just quiet and did not respond. She did not know what to say.

"Tamam." Doctor Asya said when she did not hear a response from Eda. "I will refer you to an OB/GYN so you can get checked about your pregnancy and get the vitamins you need." Eda nodded as the doctor filled out the transfer form.

"You can visit his clinic right now—just give the lab results and this paper to let him know that you are being transferred to his care now." Eda nodded again and gave a faint smile.

Doctor Asya looked at her sympathetically. "...and again, I highly recommend taking a vacation. Lütfen." Eda smiled at this.

"Teşekkürler." She responded as the doctor nodded towards her before she left the room.

Eda walked around the hospital and found the OB/GYN's clinic. She knocked on the door and heard him respond, "Come in."

She opened the door and smiled at the doctor as she sat on the chair in front of his table. "Günaydın."

He sat on the other side of the table and took out his hand to introduce himself. "Günaydın. I'm Doctor Emir." Eda shook his hand before handing the lab results and transfer paper.

"I see you've been examined." He said as he read the information on the papers. "Doctor Asya noted here that you have been fainting..." He looked at Eda.

"Evet. It's a thing I have—when I get very stressed, my body seems to shut down and I faint." The doctor nodded.

"Could this be stress from work?" Eda just smiled, sheepishly, and the doctor understood. My work and personal life go together in this case. She thought.

"Well, the best medicine for stress is relaxation. You must deviate from anything that gives you stress. Especially now that you are expecting." Eda nodded. She still couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I'll have the nurse take your vitals then we'll proceed to talk about your pregnancy." She nodded. A nurse came in and took Eda's vitals as Doctor Emir wrote some information on a booklet.

"Looks like your vitals are good. However, your weight is a bit concerning." He spoke sternly. "You need to eat regularly and also please eat healthy foods. This will help your baby grow well. Tamam mi?"

"Tamam." Eda nodded.

Doctor Emir stood up and motioned Eda to the examination bed, where an ultrasound machine was beside it. "If you could please lie on the bed, we'll check how your baby is doing and to see how far along you are."

Eda lied on the bed, raised her shirt and pulled her pants down a little to reveal her lower abdomen. The doctor gave her a towel which she put just below her lower abdomen to cover.

"Fair warning, this gel that I will put on your belly is cold." He said before putting the gel on Eda. He moved the probe around her lower abdomen to see.

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