Lion heart (Investigation)

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Y/n's pov

Back in Heartslabyul, we helped Trey to stay on his feet and there we encountered Ace and Deuce with Grim as well as Cater. Once we put Trey in his room to rest, we explained the situation to them.

"Okay, i'm in."

I quirked an eyebrow. "Whaaaat? Don't look at me like that N/n. The culprit hurt our precious Trey. How would I not want to help?"

"Yeah, count us in too." Ace bumped in.

"He's gonna pay for what he did to Trey!" Deuce added.

That surprised me even more but I got it "Oh, I see. You want to get good points from Riddle..."

"So then I'd let you in the team." He finished my sentence.

"Heh. Was it that obvious?" Ace said."N-no! That had nothing to do with it! I just want to avenge our housemate!" Deuce tried to deny.

"Hmm. We'll see how you'll do." Riddle simply said. "Now, if we're going to apprehend this culprit, we need to stay a step ahead of him."

"So we'll be watching over potential targets to catch the culprit in the act and protect the student at the same time?" I supposed.

"Bingo! I've already identified a number of potential targets from among the most promising players. I'll form a group on Magicam so we can coordinate our efforts and then give you access to the album."

'Hm~ Cater's pretty efficient.' I looked at my phone for the infos.

"Oh. I already spoke with Jamil so we can exclude him."

"Got it. Now let's get a move on!"

3rd person's pov

First stop was Pomefiore. They needed to look for Rook Hunt

"Rook is an exceptional player. He performed extremely well in last year's tournament." Riddle said.

"Rook is...devoted and passionate to say the least but he's a hunter so I'm sure if somebody tried anything, he would catch on pretty quickly." Y/n explained.

From afar, Vil sighed "I just cannot decide how I want to do my makeup on tournament day! I'm thinking maybe that new foundation from Felicity Cosmetics?""Oh ho ho! Mon beau Vil, the Roi du Poison... Surely your beauté is not so faint that you need makeup to shine?""Of course I don't. But I don't dare miss an opportunity to accentuate it further!""I admire that passion. Magnifique! Très magnifique!"

"See? I think we can pass on the next one."

They were leaving as the green eyed hunter looked specifically at the H/c of the group.

"What are you looking at, Rook?"

"Oh. Just a little colombe."

Second stop. They were in the courtyard, searching for the leech twins.

"Jade Leech and his twin brother Floyd. They're both sophomores at Octavinelle House. Word is, they work so well together on the field that other teams don't know how to counter them." Cater explained.

"Woah, there's two of this dude!"

"They're twins, Grimmy boy. Don't you know what those are?"

"Is it just me, or do they make all the other students look tiny in comparison? They're giants!" Ace exclaimed.

"I'm taller than y'all..." 'I mean sure those two are tall but for my part, I've already seen taller people so i'm not impressed. Though I wonder if...'

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