Chapter 3 The Attack

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Later when I am walking home from school as I pass a shop which looks close a hand comes over my mouth and voice which reminds me of acid says into my ear " don't fight it or you might just die tonight" then I black out from fear.

When I come to I am lying down on what feels like a couch and I hear low male voices so I keep pretending to be out and just listen. " I can't believe she was rude to you" said one, " but hey don't she look happy and peaceful just laying there" said another. " but that don't give her the right to be rude to Liam or does it" I start to stir not wanting to hear anymore of this.

"Look she's waking up" I open my eyes and it looks as though I am in a lounge room. There are nice white curtains and a white couch to match, and in the middle is a coffee table. I look around in aw when I am rudely interrupted by a voice coming from behind me. " Like what you see?" I quickly jump up and spin around only to find the group of boys have almost tripled in size and are now sitting around a big kitchen table staring wide eyed and smirking at me. I feel my cheeks go warm, so I turn around and collapse onto the couch to try and hide the fact that I am blushing.

When I put my head up I find that half of the group are seated on the other three couches and looking as though they are trying not to laugh. All except one of them, Liam I think his name is, the ringleader is looking evilly at me through the perfect shaggy sandy blond hair with the perfect platinum blue eyes which look good enough to go swimming in. Stop Lola you need to get a grip this isn't one of the thing which should come to mind when looking at your kidnappers.

Feeling very irritated " what do you want I didn't do anything to get on your bad side so just leave me alone I want to go home" is all I say before making a break for it towards the door only to have strong arm snake their way around my body and pull me into something hard.

" I wouldn't try that if I were you" said the same acid voice from earlier but in a more playful tone. I swiveled my body around in order to look at the person who's arms I am entangled in and I am surprised to be looking at the face of Liam, who is smirking at me. "Please let me go" "I am sorry princess no can do, I am going to a party with these guys and I need you to come" " and what happens if I say no" with that he puts me over his shoulder and carries me outside. It is now raining so automatically I am drenched. Liam then walks over towards the pool. "Please don't put me in the pool I will do whatever you want just don't dunk me into the pool" "ok so we have an understanding you will be coming to the party" "fine" and with that he carries me back inside and up some stairs to what I think is his bedroom and places me down on the bed.

He then walks through a door and returns holding a forever 21 bag, which he throws at me. "Here put these on and come back downstairs when your ready" with that he walks downstairs. I am then left to look in the bag to reveal tight black dress, black heels with red bows on them and a pair of huge black hoops.

I walk down stairs and back into the kitchen to find all the boys huddled in a group whispering. One of them looks up at me and instantly freezes. " yo Liam, if you don't want her I'll gladly take her out of your hands" with that Liam's and a few others heads pop up, but all they can say is "wow" Liam then stood up and walked towards me smirking his most famous trait.

" so I never knew you were hot before you wore these, wow. I think we should kidnap her more often don't you boys?" he stated to the group and they all responded with "definitely" or "yes for sure". I look around dumbfounded "are you serious, you have to be joking right." The boys just crack up laughing leaving me with nothing to do but trudge towards the door.

Once there I turned around only to find that the group had been hot on my tail with Liam in the lead. As I looked from face to face all I saw was desperate desire and lust. Ugh as if it isn't bad enough they kidnap me they have to want me too? And with that I trudged out the door.

"Hey wait up you don't even know where we are going now turn around now and come back" somebody probably Liam says with a hint of ownership. " No, if you won't take me home than I will find my own way back" I call over my shoulder then I run down the driveway and sprint up the street, it looks vaguely familiar. Oh that's right it's the same road as the one the school is on, I only relies this as I sprint past the school.

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