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Dark forest. Illuminated only by the beautiful moon, which perfectly contrasted with the navy blue sky and composed perfectly with the white stars.

- I could sit here with you for a million years - Jungkook said grabbing Jimin's hand.

- Ohh ... but you can - Park announced bringing his face closer to the boy's neck - just let me change you.

Kooky closed his eyes and tilted his head up. A thought flew through his head 'what V would think'. He would start asking who did this to me if he found out that Jimin would kill him. Coming back to reality, the boy felt the fangs slowly approaching to pierce his neck.

- N-no - the boy whispered, putting his hand on the coldblood's shoulder.

But he kept coming closer. Finally, JK felt Jimin place a passionate kiss on his neck. The boy opened his eyes and looked at Park's face.

- Tell me, how long do I have to wait to do this?

- Let me live as a human.

- But as a human being you are so delicate, even a simple piece of paper can hurt you - saying this, he ran his hand over the boy's cheek - not to mention falling from this height - he added looking down.

After these words, the brunette looked down at the ground. Indeed, they were quite high, in fact, I wonder for who the highest branch on the tree would not be high. After a while, JK got a message. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at it, it's from V.


FROM Teahyung

TO Jungkook

Sorry we couldn't meet today but you know what happens to wolves on a full moon and I'm not going to hurt you. When I have more control over myself, I promise you that I will make it up to you. <3 I love you <3

- Who is this? - Jimin asked.

- And that's just... my roommates keep asking when I'm coming back - Kooky announced.

- So you have to go back now? Park sighed, lowering his head.

- Don't be sad, we can meet tomorrow too! - he said with a smile.

- You know how the sun affects me. I won't be able to see you until the night.

- But the important thing is that we meet - Jungkook said kissing the vampire on the cheek.

At this gesture, the blonde quickly turned the boy to face him, leaned him against the tree and connected him and his lips in a passionate kiss. After a few minutes, they pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes.

- I love you - Jimin said.

- I love you too - JK replied - now help me get out of here.

Park picked the boy up as a 'bride' and jumped down with him. Then he laid him on the ground, said goodbye and ran towards the house. The way back did not last long, only a few moments. As Jimin calmly entered the building, he heard a familiar voice coming from the living room.

- You were in a meeting with that mortal again.

- How do you know that? - asked the blonde.

- You smell that distinctive human scent - Yoongi announced.

There was indeed a scent of sweet blood in the air.

- Don't tell me it bothers you- Park sighed ironically.

- No, it doesn't bother me. It bothers me that you're dating someone of a different species. - Suga replied.

- Are you talking about it again? - he said walking over to the boy and sitting next to him on the couch.

- Wouldn't it be better to marry someone that's the same as you?

- Are you pursuing this topic because I rejected you?

- No, I'm just saying.

- Look, we're both vampires, so when you say the same species mate, you mean both of us. You even mentioned it when I was with Teahyung.

After that, Jimin got up and went upstairs. He was clearly upset by the conversation. Yoongi sighed:

- you should not have mentioned V - he thought - well, maybe he will finally find out that this relationship does not make sense. After all, he is human and will die soon anyway.

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