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Pov Jungkook

When JK arrived at the place, he saw a note attached to the tree with the information:

Dear bunny~

Our meeting place for today is changing. Please, go to the lake.

PS: If you don't know which way to go, the traces of blood on the trees will help you.

Your Jimin~

This message was written in an artistic font that makes you want to find the letter's author just by looking at it. After reading the information, JK took the note and put it in his pocket, then looked around for a drop of blood. It didn't take long, less than 60 seconds. The first drops were quite large, but with each subsequent drop their size decreased, but the intensity of the color increased. When the tracks ended, a silhouette of someone could be seen in the distance. Taking a few steps closer Jungkook noticed a dead animal near Jimin but they didn't care too much about it and went to his lover. Suddenly, Park disappeared from JK's field of view, but after a while he felt cold hands entwining him around his hips, and the face of the cold-blooded man lay on JK's shoulder.

- I'm sorry for such a sudden change, but at this time of night the moon is incredibly reflecting its glow on the surface of the lake - Jimin announced coming closer to the water.

Kooky looked at the water. It looked wonderful.

- And forgive me for the animal, I just didn't want to leave it half dead.

Standing about 2 meters from the water, the brunet came out of the vampire's grip, took a stone and threw it, causing it to bounce off the water surface.

- Have you ever thrown ducklings? - asked JK.

Jimin looked at him, smiled, then took a stone and threw it so that it bounced from the water to the very end of the lake. Jungkook looked at him with admiration and then said with a twinkle in his eyes:

- Will you teach me this?

- Heh, you can't teach it to someone, you have to know it.

- Why?

After these words, Jimin approached JK, looked him in the eyes, then stood behind him and whispered:

- Because you are not like me.

He then moved his lips to Jungkook's neck and placed a gentle kiss on it. At this gesture, Kooky turned to face the cold-blooded man who, when he saw Kooky's lips, immediately connected them with his own. JK felt his heart begin to beat faster. One of Jimin's hands began to play with the brunette's hair while the other ran up and down his back. JK shivered as he felt cold hands caressing his back. The fingers that had been intertwining the soft hair between each other slowly and gently slid down the face, the nape of the neck until they reached Jungkook's crotch. JK grabbed the vampire's hand and said:

- I don't want to do it here...

- I understand.

They moved away from each other and sat together near the water. They started talking about everything and nothing. They looked at the stars together, laughed, and even Jungkook was thrown into the water. Around 2 AM it was time to say goodbye.

- I'll miss you - he said placing a sweet kiss on the JK's lips.

- Me too.

Then the vampire disappeared from Jungkook's sight. Only he, the lake and the forest remained. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and his brown eyes appeared again with red-eyes.

- You didn't think I'd leave you here alone - Jimin laughed, then grabbed JK's hand and led him to the exit of the forest.

He said goodbye to him again and then disappeared.

- And now explain why you're wet - thought Jungkook, returning home.

He entered as quietly as possible so as not to wake up the boys sleeping in the rooms. When he managed to reach the room he breathed a sigh of relief. He took off his wet clothes, put on dry ones, and went to bed.

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