Chapter 11- Hyena and Crytsal's Backstory

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I am so incredibly terrible.
I have made you guys wait this long! I can't believe myself!
Soooo sryy I kinda took an unintentional break from Wattpad and forgot Abt this story...(insert facepalm emoji)

So, yeah. Sorry again...anyways, Enjoy!

Galaxy jumped out of the way as Crystal landed near Hyena, who was still on the ground in pain.

"I've been wanting to do this for a long time." Crystal said, nearing her enemy.

"W-w-wait!! You don't have to do this!" She Sandwing stammered, "w-we can be friends again!"

Crystal looked in surprise and disgust at Hyena.

"Yeah, that worked soooooooo well last time." She spat. "I will never trust you again. And don't blame it on me, it's your fault you betrayed me. YOU befriended me when I first moved to the Scorpion den. You showed me around and introduced me to your friends! Little did I know that the second you got the chance, you would betray me. YOU LEFT ME when I needed you the most. YOU HURT ME when I was nothing but good to you!"

Tears started you well up in Crystal's eyes as Galaxy looked at her in shock and Hyena in fear and… regret? Is that what she was seeing?
No, this is Hyena, she reminded herself in her head.

"You almost killed me several times, your so-called friends did too, and you just stood back and watched." Crystal spat.

"All this and you think I'm going to leave you alone, alive, and coming back to kill me?!?" Crystal yelled towards the cowering Sandwing.

"I-i-....I'm sorry" Hyena started as tears welled up in her eyes.

Crystal and Galaxy looked over at her in shock.

"One of my friend's parents, at the time, was an assassin. For some reason s-she had been assigned to torture you. S-so she forced me to use my animus powers after I befriended you in order to stay friends with her daughter, Cobra.
She made me turn completely insane, I didn't have the ability to stand up for you...I could only cower in the corner as my 'friends' practically killed you.
She made me use them a bit more and I turned evil with not much power left. She made me write an enchantment on a magical scroll that I put some of my power into. She ripped that part off and put it in the necklace. It said 'find Crystal, kill Crystal.' so I did—well I tried anyway. I don't have a choice.
I would have stayed your friend, Crystal! I loved you like a friend!! But… the world is cruel and....I-I couldn't. So when I used my last bit of Animus magic, I cast a spell that put that pain in the dragon that made me do all those awful things all these years, so now she's hopefully dead.
And Galaxy, when you jumped on to me to save Crystal, you ripped my necklace off, causing me to regain who I was before... who I am."

Crystal and Galaxy were too stunned to speak.
Galaxy was about to say something when Crystal interrupted her.

"Okay," she started, " you get one more chance. I didn't know that's what everything was about and all. I'm sorry you had to go through it..."

Galaxy looked at the two and yawned unintentionally.

"Sorry, I'm just really tired. Let's get back to the Rainforest and go to bed. Please." She said sleepily.

Crystal turned to Hyena and nodded her head, then the three dragons made their way back to the Rainforest.

"I'm sorry Hyena, I guess I should've known it wasn't really you but I was hurt so bad..." sighed Crystal.

"That's okay, I don't blame you..." Hyena smiled

"The important thing is that you are back to your normal self and we can live as friends again." Crystal said happily.

"Sorry, not to change the subject but we better look for Darkstars before it gets to dark." Yawned Galaxy.

"Oh yes, onward we go." Hyena chimed in.

"Oh my moons—watch out!" Yelled Crystal as a huge black dragon knocked Galaxy out of the sky.

They landed on the ground with a thud. The two black shaped clawed and grappled when suddenly the strange one yelled,

"HEY, cut it out! It's me!"

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