This is just the begininng.

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Hi, I'm Maria Bishop and you probably recognise my last name, yes I'm Maya Bishops little sister, I have a brother too, he's called Mason, I haven't seen either of them for awhile now, my sister is the captain of a fire station and my brother is out on the streets, that's all my parents will tell me, I've never had a good relationship with either of my parents and my siblings, they haven't been back here for a long time, not that I can blame them really. The last time I saw Maya was when my dad dragged me down to her scene I don't know what happened, I was in the car but by the look on his face and the tone of his voice when he got back in the car, he wasn't happy and I knew it was going to be a rough night and as for my brother, I haven't seen him since I was about 7 years old, all I know is something about him doing drugs and then he was gone, I went to school one morning and when I came back it's like he was never there, I never asked about that. Me and my parents never really had a good relationship but it got a lot worse when it was just the three of us, my dad always brought me up the same as Maya with the training, the track meets, the food restriction, no friends, no social life, studying and most importantly 'eyes forward' that's a sentence that will always haunt me. And if I thought his rules were strict before, I was so wrong, now he tracks my weight and sleep , he comes to the track for every session to make sure I'm 'working hard' and honestly, I'm just exhausted.

I was okay with his new ways at first but, it started to have its effect on me after the first year, I started excessively working out, restricting the little food I was given, sneaking cigarettes and alcohol, after that I found self harm in various forms and from there, it's just gotten worse and worse, I can't wait for the day I can finally get out of this house but for now, I have to get on with it.

Ugh Mondays, I hate Mondays more than any other day, and to make it worse I'm having one of those days where I just don't want to get up at all but of course that isn't an option. I close my eyes just trying to lay there as long as possible and just as I get comfortable my door swings open and the hell begins once more.
"Maria why aren't you getting ready you won't have time to do as many miles if you don't get up now"
"I will have time" we go through this every morning and I know exactly what's coming next.
"Maria Lynn, get your ass out of that bed now before I drag you out of it!"
"Okay okay, I'm getting up" I tell him as I sit up and swing my legs off the bed so I'm sitting up.
"Don't be long otherwise we'll just have to add more miles tonight." He says as he closes my door.
I stand up and walk to my drawers pulling out my gym clothes, after getting changed I throw my hair up into a ponytail grab my running shoes and head downstairs into the kitchen to see there's already a smoothie on the counter.
"Drink up kiddo we gotta leave in 5."
He's having a good day today and I'm not gonna risk changing it.

As we drove the familiar route to the track I started thinking about school and all the homework I have to do, school had never been something I enjoyed and I'm not especially bright but I get moderately good grades so it's okay.
It makes it worse that I don't take in any of the work we were set, it's not that I just ignore it, I just seriously don't get time to do it.
I wake up early, train, come home, shower, go to school, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I stay until 5 training for track, and then I come home, eat shower again and sleep because I'm usually exhausted by 10 and then I do it all again.

We pull up to the track and I look ahead and somehow I know this is going to be a tough session.

"Come on kiddo, let's get going."
kill me. seriously.
i warm up for half an hour and then the running starts
when I make it back around after countless laps of sprinting I stop, bending forward hands on my knees and struggling to breathe.
"Dad please don't make me run anymore." I panted as I stood up interlocking my hands behind my head with my arms up in an attempt to open up my lungs.
"what is going on with you today?"
"nothing is going on I need a break"
"you'll never make it to the olympics if you need a break after a simple run"
"Dad I've been running for an hour none stop"
"you're running back, and don't even think about walking I'll be driving by you to make sure you're running"
so much for that good mood he was in
I don't even reply to him I just start running as fast as my legs will go trying to get back to the house as soon as possible.
"15 minutes not bad kid." he says getting out of the car as I walk through the door.
"I'm gonna go shower and get ready for school"

Maya's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now