Hope is what I'm holding on to.

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Just a little warning for this chapter, its a lot longer than I first thought, I just got this working on my laptop so I just started and didn't stop basically, I'm hoping to try and write all my chapters long but probably not as long as this one will be, please let me know if you prefer the shorter or longer chapters just so I know what works, I can do either one. Anyway, I'm going to stop rambling on for now and let you read this incredibly long chapter, Enjoy!

Finally, we are back from training and my dads mood is worse if anything honestly, I don't think he's ever made me run so much and to make matters worse I've started feeling really sick too.

We come home and the first thing I do is run upstairs towards the bathroom before throwing up in the toilet.

I'm there for about 5 minutes before I hear a knock on the door.
"Maria honey, it's mama let me in."
she's in one of her good moods and regardless of how sick I feel, I am not missing out on this, it's gotten rarer and rarer that she's like this over the years but when she is, she's the best mom in the world.
I unlock the door and slouch back towards the wall opposite the toilet before I hear the door open and see my mom walking in.
"Oh baby, come here." without a second thought she comes down and wraps her arms around me which hurts a little bit, I'm still sore from what happened recently but honestly this is the best feeling in the world and I needed it at the moment.
"what's happening hm?" she asks me.
"I came home from training and it just happened, I've not felt right all day."
"okay, we're gonna get you in bed, get you some medicine and we'll go from there okay?" she says as she gently strokes her fingers through my hair. "okay mama." I really do love my mom and I don't blame her for anything that happens here, it just hurts when she knows what's happening and doesn't do anything to help me out. I know she's scared I really really get that but, I'm scared too.
we slowly make our way to my bedroom and I head straight to my bed honestly not even caring that I am still in my running clothes.
"come on baby, I know you really don't feel good but you'll regret it tomorrow if you don't get changed, I'm going to go and make you some tea get changed okay?" she says as she makes her way towards the bedroom door looking back to make sure I've heard her. "alright, I'm gonna change now." I tell her standing up and making my way towards the drawers with my pyjamas in. She smiles before closing my door and heading towards the stairs. Whilst getting changed I start thinking, about Maya, Mason, Mom, Dad, school, home, everything. I miss my siblings so much honestly it hurts, as I throw my running clothes in my basket I turn back around to put my pyjamas on and as I'm pulling my shirt down, I see a photo that is stuck to the inside of my closet door, it's a photo from when I was around a year old making Mason 8/9 and Maya 14/15, yeah we have a strange age gap. But the photo was taken on a track, with her in her running uniform and a gold medal around her neck she's holding me in one hand and her medal in the other with Mason on the other side of me with one hand around Mayas back and the other is in front of me, it's a happy photo, so I take it down, and re stick it to the wall by the side of my bed. Snuggling up under the duvet and just thinking about how it all used to be.

To me, we really were good at one point, there was no worries, no arguments, no fights and it was just all love until I was around 4, that's where it all went wrong, Mason was around 11 and Maya was 18, she'd already let by this point not that I can really blame her for that one, dad wasn't much different he just was harder on mason and I, he used to yell at him telling him he will never be like my sister, and one day when he was about 15 he turned around and fought back, he yelled back at my dad and people don't usually tend to yell back at him so to say he was shocked, was an understatement. Anyway, he wasn't there when I came home from school the next day and that was 6 years ago, he hasn't been mentioned since, I often wonder is he's alright, where he is now, if he still does the art he used to do and lots of things really.

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