Road to recovery.

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A/N: thank you for the support on this book so far, it means the world, I know it isn't great but I'm really just getting it going, please keep voting and commenting your ideas so I can put them in, I appreciate it all.

Also, I'm so sorry for the lack of updates I haven't had the chance to sit down and write for a while but I'm home now and back with my laptop with a lot of time on my hands, so I should be able to start posting a lot more, I hope you enjoy this chapter, let me know what you think of it! :))

Marias POV.

"Okay, come on then."

I get up and turn back to Maya. "Have you got a jacket I could borrow please?"

"Of course I have, hold on."

Maya walks out of the bedroom and comes back not even a minute later with a grey zip up jacket for me. 

"Thank you." I say to her as she gently puts it over my shoulders helping me get my arms into it without my shirt falling apart completely by standing in front of me to cover me up.

"Hey we should really get going bella, if we don't want a super long wait." Carina tells us and Maya looks at me.

"You ready to go?" she asks me gently, I can feel myself getting emotional so rather than verbally replying I just nod my head whilst looking everywhere I can but Maya and Carina. 

we all walk towards the door heading towards the car and I can feel my nerves spiking instantly. I know there are going to be questions I don't necessarily want to answer tonight but I just have to push through it, that doesn't make me any less nervous though.

"Maya?" I call her just as she is getting in the car.

"Yes Ri?" she turns around to face me before doing her seatbelt.

"What kind of questions are they going to ask me, so I know what to expect?"

she looks towards Carina who is also listening to the conversation for an answer I'm guessing because she has more experience in this department.

"when they realise why we are there, they will probably ask you about what happened a few months ago as well as tonight, they may ask you about the previous abuse and they'll just ask you anything that will help them get to the bottom of what's really been going on so that they can help you properly, it sounds extremely overwhelming and it isn't easy to go through but Maria I promise you that this is going to help you so much more than you can imagine." 

I can't lie those words really did manage to put my mind at ease. "thank you." I say quietly Carina just nods before turning around and putting her own seatbelt on leaving just Maya looking at me.

"that help you at all Ri?" she asks me sweetly

"Yeah it actually did, thank you."

"she's always been better than me at this type of stuff." she says making me smile slightly before I reply to her "that's just like a fire though I would call you for a fire and Carina if someone was in labour." 

"I suppose that's true, you would." she says making us both chuckle a little bit before she turns herself around and puts her seatbelt on too.

Its been about 15 minutes since we set off and we are just pulling up to the hospital, it was only a few days since my last visit but it feels like forever ago.

the car comes to a stop and the moment I have been dreading is standing right in front of me, it's now or never, Eyes forward.

we all walk towards the entrance and as we are about to enter the building my feet freeze to the floor and a I can't go any further.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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