The secret continues.

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⚠️TW: mentions of self-harm. I'm not going into a lot of detail but I wanted to warn you all none the less ⚠️
"you've got some explaining to do young lady."


He steps aside to let me in but stops before Maya can get in the door.
"Your kind aren't welcome here, leave now." Is he seriously doing this again?
"Dad please let her." He looks at be before closing the door most of the way and leaning in to me so only I can hear him.
"you really don't wanna push me right now, you've got enough of a punishment coming already."
I'm screwed. The door opens again but this time it was Maya pushing it
"I just wanna make sure my sisters alright weather we get on or not, that's not her fault just let me talk to her"
He looks down at me before throwing an arm around me another act that makes me flinch which I know Maya saw as well.
"you've got 5 minutes don't push it." Before he can say or do anything else,  I walk out of the door and we walk towards the bench in front of the house and sit down, she doesn't waste a second before asking me
"what's going on kid?"
I turn to her playing dumb because there's no way I can tell her what really happens here she has a life without me now and I don't want to cause any issue with that.
"Nothing, he's strict but no stricter than he was with you he just wants what's best for me that's all." she looks at me and shakes her head before she speaks again
"No Maria, no this isn't normal alright if he's like he was with me then I know it's had please talk to me, let me get you out of this."
I can see in her eyes she wants to help me and she cares but I can't risk her getting into shit with him I mean even I know how scary it is.
"Seriously Maya, I'm fine" she just looks at me before putting her hands in my shoulders
"I love you kid, I love you a lot and that's why you need to tell me what's going on so I can get you out of it."
she says to me and I can tell she's being 100% serious "I mean it Maria, say the word and we are gone"
but I can't, so I look at her before I wrap my arms around her and say "Maya, I love you too but I'm fine alright seriously I'll be okay" I know she won't believe me but it's the best I can come up with right now.
She pulls away before putting her hands on both cheeks and looking me straight in the eye with a serious look on her face "I can't force you to tell me but I mean this if you need anything, I don't care what time or what day weather I'm working or not you call me, got it? Please, promise me Maria" she's getting herself upset and if she's still the same as she was before she'll blame herself for me staying here.
"I promise you, I'll call you if I need to but I'll be alright Maya okay?" she sighs and goes to speak again but before I can hear what she was going to say I hear the door open "Maria come on." is all he says before he closes the door.
I look at Maya and I can see she's upset "last chance Maria, please."
I stand up to go inside but she grabs my hands so I'm facing her "I'll be okay and I promise I'll call if I need too, okay?" she stands up and wraps her arms around me.
"I love you kid, don't forget it alright?" "I love you too Maya and I won't, ever." "you know where I am okay?"
"okay" I pull away from her and make my way to the door just as it opens "I'm here dad." I turn to look at Maya one last time and she smiles at me before my dad pulls me into the house and I see Maya sigh and turn away making me instantly regret not saying something but I know why I can't.
The first thing i feel when the door closes is a slap straight to the cheek. This is going to be a rough night.
"Please dad I didn-" another slap.
He is never usually this bad. I've become immune almost to the slaps and the physical side of it honestly it's the words he says that hurt me the most.
"why on earth did I have you?"
"all I do is what's best for you and this is what I get in return huh?"
"I wish you'd never been born"
"I wish you were dead."
and I know he carries on because his mouth is still moving but it's almost like everything stopped for me. just for a minute.
He really wishes I was dead. My own father. this goes on for awhile until I really can't take anymore.
"she can't help you no one can you need to learn to be grateful for what I give you."
"Mom please help me" nothing.
"Mommy please" I didn't even realise I was crying until. "you think crying is going to help you?" he states in a way that almost makes him sound amused.
I turn around and that's when I see her. My mom is there watching and listening but she won't get any closer than the doorway. why won't she help me?
"Mom please, please help me." and this is the part I'll never forget she looks me in the eye and says "I'm sorry Maria, this is for your own good your dads right, I can't help you." and with that she turns and walks away.

Maya's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now