We will always rescue you.

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Hi, just a warning this chapter contains mention of violence, sexual acts without consent, as well as people talking about it as well.

I'll try not to go into too much detail of course and if I say anything in this chapter that upsets anybody, please let me know and I will be more than happy to re write it, I know how sensitive this topic can be and I honestly just want to raise some awareness for other survivors, I'm going to let you get on with reading this now but please comment and let me know how this is, I would really appreciate it.

If anyone need anyone to talk to, please message me, I've always got the time to listen to you all.

Also sorry just before you read, this chapter is a little bit longer than I first thought it would be.

After walking into the living room there's about 7 other men not including my father and looking around them all I see a familiar face and not familiar in a good way.

"You." is all I manage to say looking straight at him. I feel a tugging on my sleeve which makes me look up from him to my dad.

"What are you going on about now?" he asks me, not because he cares whatsoever but probably because he will find any reason to humiliate me in front of these men.

I look back at the guy before whispering so they could only just hear me. "He's the man who raped me." And that was all it took before I felt my dad pushing me towards them and the guy who took my dignity once grabbed me, I looked back at my dad with tears in my eyes "Dad I know for whatever reason you hate me but please, please believe me I'm not lying I promise you" I say to him hoping and praying he'll just throw me out.

"You want to know why I feel the way I do about you?" He asks me through gritted teeth. "Yeah, I do, I want to know what I ever did to you to make you treat me the way you do." I say trying to hold back the tears that threaten to fall from my eyes. He steps closer to me making me slowly walk back until I am almost crashing into the other guys there.

"Okay Maria, I'll tell you why. You do nothing to help me out around here, you cry about everything 24/7, you can't succeed, you will never be at the level you should be, you will never be enough, ever, you'll never be the child who makes me proud you will always be the one I wish your mother had gotten rid of!"

He's shouting by the end of it and before I have time to take any of is words in I feel his fist straight against my face.

"You will never be enough." "You will always disappoint me." "You will always be the one I wish we never had." A punch between each painful sentence.

And just when I thought tonight couldn't get any worse he grips me by my collar and shoves me to the wall his face way too close to mine.

"When you leave this house tonight, I don't want you to ever come back, you hear me." And after that he lets go of me letting me just fall to the floor before I can even answer him.

"She isn't worth my time, do what you want to her." He says before turning to walk out of the room without looking back.

"Daddy please, I'm sorry." I shout as loud as I can and as he gets to the doorframe he looks back at me with the coldest look I've ever seen on him, his eyes were black and had no emotion in them, it was honestly terrifying. He walks over to me once more and gets right in my face before saying something that I would never recover from.

"You are no child of mine." And that was it, he just turned away

One of the men walk over to me I look up wondering who it is and there he is, I've been in this situation before, me on the floor not able to do anything to get away from what he wants to do to me, him standing there with a smug smile on his face looking down at me like he owns me and having no one to help me stop him.

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