All is revealed.

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Hii, this one is a little dark and I just wanted to warn you all, there is talk of sexual assault and physical abuse in this chapter, it's not too in-depth or detailed, but it's there so I just wanted to let you know, anyway please enjoy this chapter and please please read the authors note at the end :))

Mayas POV.

About 15 minutes go by after Carina went to see Maria and I haven't heard too much so I guess that's good but just as I was thinking that it was going well I see a slightly frantic looking Carina walking down the hallway towards the kitchen.

"Hey, how's it going?" I ask her hesitantly knowing there must be a reason she's come out looking so distressed.

"It's Maria, she needs you, Bella please." and that's all it takes before I take off down towards her room when I feel a gentle tug on my arm I turn around and look at her before she speaks up keeping a hold of my hand.

"Maya, I know you're scared and angry and whatever else you're feeling and I can't imagine what is going on in your head but, she's scared so please at least for her take a breath and be calm please." she says to me in the most gentle tone.

I do as she says taking a breath and composing myself when I hear a sob coming from her bedroom, it breaks my heart so I look at Carina and she gives me a nod before entering the room with me keeping a hold of my hand, one to calm me down and two, I think so I don't just hold her because despite how much I want to wrap my arm around her and tell her its going to be alright I know that might not be the best thing for me to do for her right now.

"Hey, it's okay we're here, you aren't on your own anymore, what do you need Ri?"I ask her crouching down a couple feet infront of her, careful not to invade her personal space too much.

"Please can you just hold me?" she manages to get out between her crying and gasping for air, the sight breaks my hear and I look up to Carina again making sure that I'm physically allowed to hold her at the moment to which she just nods at me with a sad smile and with the confirmation I needed I wrap my arms around her trying to hold her tight enough so she knows I'm here but not so tight that I'm hurting her.

"It's okay, I'm here baby, I'm here, I've got you." I say to her as she just cries into my shoulder, I know my dad doesn't like people showing emotions and by the sounds of it she hasn't been able to let any of this out for awhile so I just let her be for the moment. As she continues crying the gasping is louder and her breaths are a lot more shallow which worries me honestly, she's always struggled with anxiety since she was a kid but we used to be able to work together and calm her down in the space of five to ten minutes, this time however I think its going to take a lot longer than that.

"Ri, please sweetheart breathe with me, it's okay." I say as calm as I possibly can to her but I know she hasn't heard it, I look up to Carina with a confused face as if to ask her what set it off.

"I asked her if she had been sexually assaulted tonight, she said she hadn't but that she has been on another occasion and after that, she just broke down Bella." she tells me quietly and instantly my upset turns to utter rage again, not with her but with my father and whoever did this to her.

"Ri baby, listen to me okay?" I tell her as I put my hands on her cheeks so she is looking at me "I need you to breathe with me okay, remember what we used to do when you were little, smell the cake and blow out the candles. Come on, breathe with me please." I'm basically begging her at this point but It's getting to the point I'm worried about her passing out, its happened a few times that I know of when she gets really bad panic attacks but this is worse than I have ever seen her and my heart is breaking for her.

She looks into my eyes and tries to take a breath in through her nose and then blows it out of her mouth, its shaky and not a slow as I would like but its there, she's responding to me and she's trying her hardest to do it for me, its going to be okay.

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