Wand play

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Hogwarts has always been a dream of mine and when I got accepted, let's just say overjoyed was an understatement but when I found out my twin sister, Raya was not there was a twinge of disappointment and a little joy because it meant I could finally stop hiding in the shadow of her popularity it was something I'd never admit and it would probably eat me inside but things were better this way.

currently, I am in my 5th year here so far it's been...a rollercoaster ride. but mostly being here has been amazing, especially with my two girls, leia and Nicole, while they have been with me since the first year so has a particular pain in my ass my enemy, a special pain named Draco Malfoy. Draco is the most annoying, just the worst ever, if I could I would make him disappear off the face of the earth. god, I hate Draco, and like- "Oww" I shriek, someone just pinched me. I looked to my side, but no one was there and it was 3 a.m who could be in the library this late, other than me of course. but a certain giggle from the shadows and I knew exactly who it was "What do you want Malfoy?" thought of the devil's name too many times I guess.

"hello to you too, saya" he taunts, "I'm here to study not everything is about you dumbass" ughhhh- so annoying! "sure you totally weren't here to bother me" "Sarcasm doesn't suit you, bear" my cheeks flushed, I hoped he hadn't seen it in the little lamp lit "d-don't call me that" he chuckles, oh why must he always have mischief on his mind, "if you didn't want me to call you that you wouldn't have stuttered...bear" he smirked, "remind me to kill you. please" he pulled out his wand waving it around, I pulled mine out as well a voice at the back of my head said to make sure he did not have his wand in his hand as if he read my mind "expelliarmus" he catches me off-guard my wand goes flying across the room, landing with a clatter in the otherwise quiet library "trying to be smart are we, bun?" he smiled devilishly.

"what do you want Malfoy?" I whisper I'm losing my patience, "you" he replied getting dangerously close to me, "what else have I always wanted?" he hooked his index below my chin making me look up at him, "Malfoy?" I whispered. he started to lean closer, holding my jaw between his index and thumb he pulled me near, and my eyes flickered shut.

I felt his hot breath fan across my face, his nose touching mine our foreheads met and his grip on my jaw tightened, our lips close enough that if one of us spoke they'd lock but both of us stayed silent just breathing, we didn't break the closeness but we didn't kiss either. I thought he wasn't going to so I opened my eyes to see his face

his eyes were shut, lips parted, and his hands shook, clutching onto his wands hard. It seemed he was resisting the temptation, an inner battle with himself but he scrunched his eyes, pulling away "wh-what did you think I'd k-kiss you? huhh never enemy" he's lying he wanted to I could hear how loud his heart was beating, but he got shy how cute. "mhmm" I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him, connecting his lips with mine. he drew a sharp breath muscles tensing as he eased into the kiss, kissing back.

he placed one hand behind me and the other on my book, his lips skillfully moving against mine, I held his face pulling it impossibly closer, "s-saya" I shushed him by placing a finger on his lips "Shhh no more out of that pretty mouth of yours" I smirked thinking I had gained dominance over my arrogant enemy but boy, was I wrong. he looked at me with a frown, "cute, but I do that"

he holds my cheek, caressing it gently "What a pretty little thing wasted covered in these clothes, bet nobody has taken them off you in a while, just making sure you aren't too dusty, so let's take 'em off, yeah?" he said running his finger across my lips, I slowly nodded my head. if I wasn't too flushed I'd snap back at him. we took off our clothes and threw them across the library, he slides away the books on the table and places me on it as he kisses me heatedly. I wrapped my hands around his neck, spreading my legs to pull him impossibly closer. it's hard to focus on anything right now, his tongue down my throat, his hands on my bare waist it's intoxicating makes me lose my mind.

I feel the cold tip of something run down my waist I break the kiss to see his wand in his hand "draco?" I raise a brow at him, it's obvious whatever he has on his mind can't be good "Shh now just be a good girl and keep your legs wide open for me, hmm?" I do as told curiosity getting the best of me, "good girl" he ran his wand across my thigh giving me chills. he ran his wand, wetting it with my juices, "Lift your hips for me, love" he slowly enters the wand inside me as he caresses my bare thigh "Shh there we go, love" I let out a broken moan "F-fuckk" he thrusts the wand at a fast pace inside me, all the while staring at me, biting his lips and caressing me but then he spoke, "you know what would be cool?" I hummed too lost in the pleasure to answer properly, "If I used Lumos inside you" I groaned out of pure annoyance, seriously how can someone be like thiss?!!!, "god I hate you, no ser-ioulsly fff-fuck youuu" "Would you rather have me inside you than the wand" he chuckled amused by my clear messed up state, my head thrown back one hand behind my back supporting me, the other on his shoulder digging my nails into it, my hair all on my face and cascading down my back, "I would" I smirked

"as my girl wants" he pulls out the wand "Your girl?" he enters me "Yes mine" he groans, "Would you not agree if I asked you to be my girlfriend?" he placed his arms on either side of me "i- I would s-say yesss mhmmm fuck" he kissed my neck, licking and sucking it "such a good girl you are, taking me so well" all I could do was moan as he took me to sinful heaven, while all I wanted to do was scream yes, yes I'm your good girl yes all yours but my thoughts felt a little clouded and my head felt dizzy as I tried to understand what was happening

the thought only lingered for a second and vanished as I felt him bite my skin "D-draco mhm" I moaned his name loudly, a little pride ran through my veins claiming him mine.

I was his and he was mine, finally.

I pull him by his shoulder, "goddd" It feels ages since I've felt this good, and that's probably because it has been. I rest my head on his shoulder crying out his name for the last time before coming undone.

four years later~

that was pretty much how we met but now here on my wedding day, I look at the man I hated and got intimate with for the first time dressed in a suit, playing with his son, oops sorry our son two years ago after the library incident we started dating nick couldn't believe it but leia wasn't even surprised she had always predicted us together, no wonder she is an excellent witch, but after a few months of dating I found out I was pregnant, we were happy, especially today, today I said I do and he did too and this is a new chapter for us, for me for draco and for our son, today we can say we are the happiest, let the future bring what it may, for now, I'm going to embrace my newly wedded husband and dance our hearts out because

I am his and he is mine, forever 🖤

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