deadly savior

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jisoo x reader

I was busy watching a movie when a weird knock rang through the house, what was strange about it was that it sounded cheerful, two knocks then one then two again like a rhythm i opened the door to see a girl not much shorter than me, she had chocolate brown hair which cascaded down to her shoulders and had streaks of dirty vanilla intertwining in them, her almond eyes shown with the light from the sun, she had a small bunny like nose, a bright smile on her full lips, a bright yellow hoodie with the words "livin' life well" imprinted on it with a colorful flower below it and a short white skirt with converse shoes. she had a big blue suitcase next to her and a small backpack hung on her shoulders, "Hi I'm yn your new roommate" Her smile was so bright that it would've blinded me, "I haven't chosen a roommate yet" She tilted her head to the side, "doesn't the board downstairs say you want a roommate?", "yes, but I haven't chosen anyone yet", "oh I don't really know how this works, I'm new around here and I just got a scholarship at SNU" She pouted and looked down, I hadn't really had any candidates for the apartment so I guess there was no harm in giving the cute little lost girl the spare room.

and that is how I ended up sharing an apartment with one very bubbly girl.

it's been almost two weeks since yn has settled into the apartment, we haven't had any conversation just some greetings when she wakes up or when she cooks. she always has a friendly and loving demeanor, always trying to befriend me, trying to get to know me, but what does she know, it's not like I can tell her either. I hear a rhythmic knock on my door and look up to find yn standing near the doorframe holding a blanket in her arms. 

"movie night?" she asks with a tilt of her head, I give her a 'Are you crazy' look. "it's not about the movie unnie I want to get to know you I mean we're already living with each other" I roll my eyes I can't believe I'm agreeing to this, "fine, but I'll need alcohol for this" she smiles, "I'll have some scotch if you have any, beer works too" the doll drinks, what a surprise. 

 we spend the next few hours talking and drinking while watching a series that had us so invested that we would pause in between to discuss the episode and discuss theories on the upcoming plots, and at some point, during the series, we found ourselves cuddling on the couch and clutching onto the blanket. I found it comforting because it was so easy to talk to her, she was nothing like I had imagined. I had finished a few bottles of soju but she was still slowly sipping her second bottle of beer, she had taken so long that the ice in the keg glass was almost finished, I found it adorable how sweetly she sipped from the glass and smacked her lips, savoring the taste. and at some point, I found the exhaustion and alcohol kick in, my eyes felt heavy and in no time I drifted off to dreamland. 

when I woke up the next morning I was cuddled on the couch and a sweet aroma wafted in the air, I rubbed my eyes I felt like I had slept for years this was the most rested I had felt in years. I looked up with blurry eyes to see yn in the kitchen cooking something on the stove, she looked at me when I hummed to the sweet smell, "Good morning sleepy head, you were out like a light" she giggled as she brought a jar of honey and set it down on the table in front of me. then it dawned upon me, asleep, I fell asleep, "I fell asleep" I couldn't get my voice out straight 

she gave me a look and rolled her eyes, "soo, you okay? Still a little sleepy?" she laughed as she brought a stack full of pancakes and kept it near the jar of honey. That's when it dawned on me, I hadn't slept in years, was my insomnia cured? was this girl magic? I hadn't slept in years. no matter how much I drank, how much I ate or tried sleeping tricks recommended by the doctor, I couldn't sleep. She looked at me weirdly and nudged my arm to eat, I felt myself in a daze. had my insomnia truly been cured just by the arrival of this girl?  many such questions flooded me, none of which I could answer. 

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