2. A New Student

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Y/n pov

Half a semester has passed and I can't find anyone suspicious. I haven't seen anyone go to different places than the city. No one left the school in the middle of the next night to go in the woods where many bodies were found. The sheriff asked if i was seen by anyone being out in the night time. I am pretty sure that no one saw me. Even my "friends". I hate to say it but for some monsters they are friendly.

Enid:Did you heard the news?

Y/n:What news?

Enid:A new student will come!

???:They let a student to join at the half of the semester?

This guy is Ajax. Another student. He wear a cap because of his hair made with snakes

Y/n:I guess they have big grades. This is a logical reason

Enid:I can't wait to meet them!

Y/n:I'm sure they will like you. Who doesn't enjoy your puppy acting?

Ajax:For real

Enid:By the way, have any of you talked with Xavier or Bianca?


Y/n:I talked with Xavier, he doesn't really feel too much affected like Bianca feels after they broke up

Enid:Anyway, i guess i'll see you later. I'm going back to my room. I feel kinda lonely there though

Y/n:Who knows, maybe the new student will be your roommate

Enid:It would be cool

Y/n:I'll leave too, see ya

After this, i go to my room. Eugene isn't there so i start to write the news i got. Even if they will come just now, they still can be dangerous. You don't need to be in this school to kill someone. I write everything until i hear the door opening. I stop and try to hide the paper.



Eugene:What are you writing there?

Y/n:Just...umm, homework

Eugene:I hope i didn't bothered you

Y/n:No, don't worry, i just finished it

Eugene:Oh, i wanted to tell you that some fancy car just came here

Y/n:It must be the new student

Eugene:New student in the half of the semester?

Y/n:Probably good grades. I'm gonna go later to see them. I just have some things to do first

I'll go to announce the sheriff about the new student today. He needs to know this

Y/n:I have to go somewhere, see you later!

Eugene:Okay, see ya

I put the report in a bag since students are still outside and leave the room. Not being too careful I bump into someone. I see a gothic girl with who i think it's her family in the back with Miss Weems. I guess i met the student earlier than i wanted.


???:Watch where you're going

Y/n:Yes, i'll do that...

First meeting and she already give me the cold eye

???:Sorry for Wednesday, she is usually like this

So her name is Wednesday. At least that's what the man that i guess is her father said.

Y/n:It was my fault, don't worry

Weems:Where are you going?

Y/n:In the city

Weems:All right, but first tell the Addams family who you are

Y/n:I am Y/n L/n, it's a pleasure to meet you

???:Such a polite child

The tall woman said.

Weems:Don't stay too long

Y/n:All right

After this i leave. I guess it's a gothic family.

I get at the police station and go to talk to the sheriff

Sheriff:What are you doing here? It's not the end of the week

Y/n:I came to raport that it's a new student. From what i understand her name is Wednesday Addams


Y/n:Yes sir

Sheriff:Be careful with her, her dad is a walking free criminal. We didn't had much evidence to arrest him

Now i know at who i will give now a part of my attention

Sherrif:You're free to go


I left and got back to the school because i need to inspect again the school, now with a new suspect.

Enid:Y/n, here!

Y/n:What's up?

Enid:I want to show you my new roommate!

I look to see Wednesday standing there looking the same. I guess it wasn't me that made her looking cold

Y/n:Oh, hi, we meet again

Wednesday:I know, you're the blind guy

Y/n:It was an accident

Enid:I don't wanna interrupt but i still have to show Wednesday the school

Y/n:Have fun

They left. This girl is intimidating. But i have to get her trust, with some luck and good words i'll make her one of my dear friends.

I later try to spy on her to see where is she going on the rain. But as she goes i see that a statue is about to fall over her. I run and save her as the statue falled on the ground. She fainted so i carried her to the infirmary and i waited until she woke up.

Y/n:Are you okay?

Wednesday:I almost died so...wait,how did you saw that the statue was falling?

Y/n:I...just saw you when i wanted to enter the building because of the rain and i just saw that it was gonna fall

Wednesday:You got some good reflexes then

Y/n:Thanks.... I guess i'll leave you now that i know you're safe

Wednesday:Wait... I should thank you for saving me there

Y/n:You're welcome

After this i left. But now i started to worry more about her, the falling statue clearly wasn't an accident. Someone wants her dead and i'm gonna protect her.

The next day came and i didn't see anything suspicious. This night is a festival that i will participate too.

The night came and i am at the festival. I saw Wednesday and Tyler together. Since he is there with her i won't give them much attention. I didn't knew they knew each other. I was walking and inspecting. I don't have time for fun. Suddenly i see Miss Weems coming to me.

Weems:Y/n, have you seen Wednesday?

Y/n:No, what happened?

Weems:She tried to escape today, i'm sure that this is what she wants to do now

Y/n:Don't worry, i'm going to search for her

I run to see where she could be. Suddenly i see her coming from the woods. She barely walks and i catch her in my arms.

The spy (Wednesday Addams x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now