32. Meet Again

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Y/n pov

The next day had come. I get up from the bed and get ready. I have to visit someone that i don't really miss. I get out of the room and see Wednesday again there.

Wednesday:Oh, you're awake

Y/n:Yeah, sorry but i can't stay right now, eat breakfast without me


Y/n:I have something really important to do

Wednesday:This early?

Y/n:Yes, sorry about this


Y/n:Then...see you later


I feel so bad for leaving her like this. But i guess she won't even care.

Wednesday pov

I tried to make breakfast for us but i guess i'm gonna eat it alone. It's not such a big deal, then why do i feel like something is wrong in my stomack?

Y/n pov

I get out of the house and see Joel.

Y/n:Joel? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?

Joel:They are still working at my transfer documents for moving at this school so today i am free

Y/n:Oh, alright then...

I can't believe i have to go somewhere and leave them alone. I don't trust this guy.

Y/n:Wait, why did you came here?

Joel:I am trying to work up with Wednesday, i still love her so...i want to make something so we can be together again

Y/n:To be with her again?


Anger feels in me, i get closer to him and catch him by his neck.

Y/n:Stay away from her!

Joel:Y-your eyes

Y/n:My eyes?

Joel:T-they changed


Joel:What the fuck are you?

Y/n:...forget what you saw, don't you dare to tell someone, especially Wednesday, or you're dead, now go

He ran inside the house. What the fuck? I don't usually act like this. I have a better control over my anger but i just felt like i couldn't control it. And my eyes? My eyes changed? Oh shit, i better learn to control myself before i do something stupid.

I continue my way and get to the prison. Now i take a seat and wait for Miss Thornhill to come. Finally, she appears.

Thornhill:Y/n, i am so glad you listened to me this time! How are you?

Y/n:Quit that act, tell me what the fuck is happening

Thornhill:Don't talk to me like that, it hurts, i actually missed you

Y/n:I didn't

Thornhill:Liar, you always came to me when you had a bad day

Y/n:Just because you were the only human without some strange powers

Thornhill:And this got us closer

Y/n:Maybe then, but now everything is changed. Now tell me, who the fuck is the stalker?

Thornhill:What do you mean?

Y/n:Quit your stupid acting, you know i am talking about the one who is stalking Wednesday

Thornhill:Don't call them a stalker, its rude

Y/n:They literally took a photo of her without her knowing

Thornhill:Ah, protecting you little girlfriend, how cute

Y/n:We are not here to talk about what is happening between me and Wednesday

Thornhill:But you asked of her stalker before what are you

Y/n:Who cares? I asked what i wanted first

Thornhill:If you say so, but i can't tell you who the stalker is. I will die if i do, i have many dreams so i can't just die

Y/n:Give up your dreams and die

Thornhill:Haha, i am sorry but i will never do that even for you

Y/n:But why are they doing this?

Thornhill:Isn't it obvious? They want her dead, and they are not gonna stop until they kill her. I am sorry but that's all i can tell you, i am not allowed to say anything else

Y/n:Then, fine...what about me? Am i a target too?

Thornhill:Silly you, of course you are a target too. I offered your chance to not be one but you refused. You are actually really important for this named "stalker" too

Y/n:Wait why?

Thornhill:Y/n, i wasn't completely honest with you about your mother

Y/n:What do you mean?

Thornhill:She wasn't just some normal student from jericho. She was related to Joseph Crackstone

Y/n:So does this mean...

Thornhill:You are related to Joseph Crackstone too

Y/n:No way...

Thornhill:That's what i like the most about you. And it's funny how the girl you love was almost killed by him

Y/n:No, you're lying!

Thornhill:Believe what you want, but i am honestly telling the truth

Y/n:How do you know?

Thornhill:Easy, he told me he wanted you alive since you are one of his blood, even if it became dirty with the outcasts. He actually expected to see you but you didn't show up, it's good that he died, because if he would have found out that i poisoned you he would have tried to kill me

Y/n:Sad that he didn't killed you

Thornhill:Oh come on, if i wasn't alive you wouldn't knew anything. And i still have some informations

Y/n:Tell me

Thornhill:Your dad actually was kinda rich so it should be easy to find out who he is since money were the most important thing then, and he was the same age as Wednesday' s dad

Y/n:The same age?


Gomez:Haha, i knew it. But you look familiar. Did one of your parents came here?

Y/n:Uhh, no, i am the first from my family studying here

Back in present

Oh, so that's why...

Thornhill:But i still don't know what you really are. Did something change to you?

Hell nah, i'm not telling you.

Y/n:No, nothing changed, i feel the same

???:Hey, the time is up

Thornhill:Already? This is so sad, i'm gonna miss you Y/n. Remember you can visit me whenever you want


I get up and leave. My head hurts from all this information. I should better get on her good side, maybe like this she will give me more informations. I don't think this is gonna be our last meet. Now i really can't tell Wednesday about this. Telling her that i am related to the one that tried to kill someone she is related to? No way.

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