13. Roommate Problem

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Y/n pov

We took Tyler inside and Wednesday used a med kit that was in the home.

Tyler:Wow, you're really good at this

This dumbass.

Enid pov

As Wednesday takes care of Tyler's scar on his chest i see Y/n looking kinda...i don't know how to say it, pretty jealous? I take this as a perfect opportunity to tease him a little to accept his feelings.

Enid:Wow, Y/n, do you see how Wednesday take care of Tyler?


Enid:This is so cute


Enid:They look like a couple like this

I say that close to Y/n as the others don't hear anything.

Y/n:No, they are not

Enid:Why do you say that?

Y/n:Because...they don't look cute like a couple

Enid:Oh, with who Wednesday looks like a couple with then?


Enid:Okay...but what do you think about this?

Y/n:About what?

Enid:About what is happening right now, Wednesday touching Tyler's body, what do you think?

Y/n:Uhhh, nothing

Enid:Don't you feel a little jealousy?

Y/n:What? No

Enid:Don't you want Wednesday to touch your body like this?

Y/n:T-that's enough!

Enid:Chill, i was just asking

Wednesday:Asking about what?

Y/n:Nothing important

Sheriff:What's happening here?

Y/n:Oh shit

Tyler:...hi dad

Wednesday:We...had a little accident

Sheriff:What kind of accident? And why is my child hurt?

Y/n pov

I feel like i am in a lot of trouble now.

Wednesday:Tyler got attacked by the monster


Wednesday:We were exploring an old house and it just appeared

Sheriff:Why the hell were you kids exploring an private place at night?

Wednesday:We were looking to find anything related to the monster and we actually found body parts

Y/n:She is right, i saw it too

Sheriff:Fine, i'm going to take you back to nevermore, and Wednesday, you will come with me and show me

Me, Enid and Xavier got back at school while Wednesday and the sheriff tgot back at the old house.

Xavier left and it was just me and Enid.

Enid:Oh no, we are in such a big trouble just because of her

Y/n:Hey, calm down, everything is gonna be fine

Enid:No its not. I get it, you guys are close, that's the same thing with me and her. But i can't stand it anymore, i'm gonna move with someone else.

Y/n:What? Enid, calm down, no need to do this

Enid:You don't know how is to live with her, she has those weird photos that are so disturbing that it made me faint. I can't deal with her anymore, i tried, i tried so hard to be her friend and i have a limit. She always wanted to be left alone so i'm gonna make her wish to happen

Y/n:Enid, please-

Enid:Stop! Stop trying to defend her! I had enough!

Then she left. I know that what Wednesday did was dangerous, it was wrong. She almost killed us and we will probably get in trouble. Probably i will get it worse. Maybe what Enid is doing is right. I should go to my room. I need some rest.

The next day i wake up and i find out that nobody got into trouble. I see Wednesday looking...sad?

Y/n:Hey,what's up?

Wednesday:Wow, i'm surprised that you're talking to me

Y/n:Why wouldn't i?

Wednesday:After what happened...

Y/n:Oh, wait, let me guess. You're sad because Enid left the room

Wednesday:How do you know about this?

Y/n:She told me that after the sheriff took us back, so you are sad

Wednesday:No, i am not. It's actually better now that she left. I have more space for myself

Y/n:You are lying

Wednesday:No, i am not

Y/n:You don't only lie to me, you are lying yourself. I know this because i know what you feel, i thought the same way about being without Eugene. I thought that now i have all the space and time for my business. But i was just lying myself, i actually miss him

Wednesday:Don't you hate us?

Y/n:I'm...still questioning that

Wednesday:Well, i don't miss Enid

Y/n:Lie yourself how much you want, the truth will come out anyway. Oh, and, before i am leaving, welcome to the club

I left. I know that not only Wednesday miss Enid. Enid miss Wednesday too. I see her, standing there. Looking gloomy, something that you don't see from her every day. She stays for now with Yoko. Some vampire. They really get along, but i know that deep down, Enid can't replace Wednesday with Yoko. Even if she knows Yoko for a longer time. It's pretty obvious if you know them well enough. They are best friends after all, even if they don't say it. I go to talk to Enid.

Y/n:Hey Enid

Enid:Oh, Y/n, hi

Y/n:So how is non-Wednesday time?

Enid:It's great, me and Yoko have so much fun. I'm actually thinking about moving with her

Y/n:Are you sure?


Y/n:Cause you looked pretty sad. Don't you miss Wednesday?

Enid:No, Yoko is funnier and a better friend than Wednesday is

Y/n:Don't say that. You don't mean it

Enid:I actually mean what i say. Wednesday put our life in danger, i can't understand how you just talked with her like nothing happened

Y/n:How did you know i talked to Wednesday?


Y/n:Enid, you were looking at us, i mean, you were looking at her. You miss her

Enid:No i don't, it just happened to see you

Y/n:Enid, you don't have to lie. Wednesday misses  you too

Enid:Did she actually said that?

Y/n:You know how is Wednesday

Enid:So she didn't, even if she would have said that i will not come back


Enid:No, Y/n, what did i told you yesterday? Don't defend her. You are lucky that i still talk to you because i didn't knew about this either


After thid i left. I guess i have to let them realise themselves. Too complicated for me, i have another problem anyway. I need to go to the police station.

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