36. Sleepy Mission

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Y/n pov

The night had come. I chose to be careful so i stayed up. Now it's 3AM and i am tired as hell. I get out of the room and go to the shelf. I look around and see the book i was looking for. I get it and run back to my room and close the door behind me. I write every rich man on the paper and what they are. But i find a big problem. One of the most richest men aka Gomez's old best friend has it as "private". That's bad. How didn't i already saw it when Gomez showed me?


Gomez:And this is....

I try to listen to him but it's been a fucking hour. Concentrate! (he actually starts to fall asleep and didn't heard most of what Gomez said)

Flashback ends

Fucking idiot. That's why. Not only i couldn't sleep well last night, but he was talking every detail of his memory. Fuck it, i'm gonna note him as unknown and that's all. I sneak out of the room to put the book back on the shelf. I suddenly hear noises, like footsteps. I try to find where to hide but i barley know anything about it. I think the best thing i can do is to go in one room and hope it's gonna be somewhere i could hide. The footsteps were being heard far away so i was thinking i have time to go and hide but suddenly a small and pale hand gets to my neck slowly choking me. I get to make eye contact with those dark eyes facing the short goth girl. How the fuck she got here so fast?

Y/n:H-hey Wednesday...

Wednesday:It's the middle of the night, what are you doing here?

Y/n:I have the same question for you too

I start to feel her nails almost cutting my neck because of my stupid response.

Y/n:Sorry, i was just going to drink some water

Wednesday:At this time?

Y/n:I just got thirsty, that's all. I am used to go drink whenever i am thirsty thinking this is normal. Sorry, did i woke you up?

Wednesday:No, your luck

Y/n:Then why are you awake at this time?

Wednesday:I didn't felt like sleeping so i decided to read a book. But i heard strange noises, i expected to see a criminal that will try to kidnapp us, i got a little excited about this so i came and here i found you

Y/n:Okay, first, auch, you got disappointed because you see me and that's rude...well, actually normal to you so i have mixed feelings about what you said, but still, disappointed that you was me, and you would have preferred someone that twill try to kill you

Wednesday:But they won't have a chance to win. They can be very stupid sometimes and they will never win against me

Y/n:Second, i am still sorry that i interrupted you...somehow. And sorry for disturbing your activity

Wednesday:Now this won't change anything so i will go outside


Wednesday:I have something to bury

Y/n:At this time?

Wednesday:It's more pleasurable at night, you should try it too

Y/n:Nah, i'm good, i prefer to not bury something at all actually

Wednesday:Whatever, have a night

Y/n:A night?

Wednesday:I can't say good night because it's never good

Y/n:Oh, okay, umm...night to you too

I go back in my room. Phew, that was close. I almost got caught. I hope i will never have to do something like that. I gently pack the paper with the names and put it in an envelope so i could send it to Miss Thornhill tomorrow. I still don't get it how but all her letters were sent to me even though it would look suspicious to write something like that. But whatever i am tired and i should sleep. I get in my bed and close my eyes almost instantly falling asleep like i didn't sleep two years.

The next day i wake up and get ready. It's weekend so everyone is home. Because of this i woke up earlier than usual. I need to send this letter and nobody should see me. I get out of the room and leave the house as well. I get in the town running and running in the dark. It's like 5am and i am outside in this cold with only two hours of sleep. This sounds great. I send the letter and run as fast as i can back to the Addams residence. As i run I hear a strange sound. Barking. I look to see a dog that is probably two times bigger than me so i make my speed to go from 100% to 200%. I get back home safely somehow and i run back in my room, get in the bed and this time i instantly falled asleep.

I woke up and checked my phone. 2pm. Damn, i sleept some time. I get out of the room and see Wednesday on the couch reading a book. She stopped when she saw me.

Wednesday:Oh, you're alive

Y/n:Yes, yes i am, why you look so surprised?

Wednesday:I thought you died last night an i was thinking on preparing a grave for you

Y/n:Heh, didn't expected something less dark from someone like you

Wednesday:Do you know someone else like me?

Y/n:No, you're too special, it's impossible to find someone like you

Wednesday:Your flirting makes me wanna throw up

Y/n:It's not flirting, i just tried to say something nice

Wednesday:Imaginate someone saying this to you

Y/n:Come on,i am sure it doesn't sound like flirting....now that i am thinking you're right, this sounds actually worse than i thought

Wednesday:I am glad you know about this now, this could help you with your future partner

Y/n:Yeah i guess....

And i love you. Would you be the one for my heart? Ok, this sounds cringe too. I should work un my words.

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