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1913, Monaco - Lopez Manor
Thursday 15th April. 09:59am

Isabella sat at the end of her bed, her hands flat against her knees. The only movements she made was the slight breathes she made every few seconds. Her foot hesitated to tap on the floor, frightened of the consequences that may come if she leaves her positions. 


The doors to her room burst open, a maid stood at the door with a stern look plastered across her face. 

"Your father wishes to speak with you before your Russian Language Class Miss Lopez." she said. Her eyes never moved from the the top of the window, which was straight in front of her door. 

Isabella rose from her seat and began to walk out of her room. She followed the spiral staircase around. The urge to slide down the railing was difficult, yet she once again complied with the strict rules which she was obliged to follow. 

These rules were not the simple normalities which any other parent would give their child. These were much more extreme and perhaps unfair to the 4 year old Isabella. 

1, Swearing and inappropriate language is prohibited at all times.
2, I must speak in only a formal manner to everyone at all times.
3, Only speak when spoken to.
4, Behave in a polite manner, do not run or play playground games.
5, Follow my schedule with no exceptions for illness or lateness.
6, Do not disobey any instructions.
7, Failure to comply with these rules will result in punishment chosen by Mr Lopez.

As well as having to comply with these rules, Isabella had to spend an hour each week writing up these rules over and over again. She learnt how to write at almost 3 years old and since then she had filled up 5 books of the rules. 

She waited outside her fathers office door and a butler knocked on it twice.

"Enter." her fathers voice shouted from the inside.

The butler pushed open the two doors and stood to the left.

"Mr Lopez, your daughter is ready to be spoken to." he spoke. His eyes never moved once and he stayed in a still position. Perhaps frightened to look at her father.

Mr Lopez looked up towards his daughter and nodded towards a seat in front of his desk. Isabella walked in and sat upon the seat, once again placing her hands on her knees.

The butler nodded towards Mr Lopez and walked out of the room, closing both doors behind him. 

"I am aware it is your birthday in a weeks time. To celebrate the occasion I will grant you with a new tutor so you can begin to learn Psychology." he said. His eyes never left his paper and his hand continued to scribble notes across the page.

"Father, may I have a small party to celebrate my fourth birthday. Perhaps just a few of your friends and their children could attend?" Isabella said before she was rudely interrupted. 

"Must I ask for you to recite rule number 3 Miss Lopez?" his voice raised slightly. However he was quite shocked. This was the first time Isabella had ever spoken up to anyone and as much as it disappointed him, it also angered him. He felt as if he hadn't done his job right. His parenting hadn't gone to plan. 

Isabella looked towards her feet, they began to swing up and down and she liked the feeling. It was giving her something to do, instead of living with the boredom which she had to put up with most days. 

"I am fully aware of each rule which you have given me. Yet I think a small gathering would not harm anyone and it's a great opportunity for me to create friendships." Isabella replied. She held her head high. She wasn't afraid nor was she panicked about the outcome of her actions.

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