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The End

That night Massimo Isaac Shelby was born, Isabella had a visitor. A visitor whom Finn and Polly would never forget. The same visitor who was hunted down by the Shelby's and murdered, a member of the Richardson gang.

That night wasn't one Finn likes to recall, the day he lost his wife forever. The love of his life, Isabella.

The man had entered the room, without a single word being said, he pulled out his gun and shot Isabella. Right in her throat.

Finn screamed, he threw himself towards the man, trying to grab his gun and shoot him back but it was too late, the man had ran. He was gone. The midwife broke into tears, apologised a million times. Saying she had no clue and didn't know who he was.

Polly comforted Massimo as he cried from being awoken by the gunshot, she held was calling everyone, each member of the family, bursting into tears each time she had to repeat what happened.

Finn cried, he didn't stop crying, not for a very long time.

He grabbed a towel and attempted to apply pressure to stop the bleeding, it was no use. He checked her pulse a million times, it was no use. He rested his head on her chest and screamed, he couldn't stop. 

Finn spent the rest of his life, hunting down each member of the Richardson family, killing them instantly without a doubt in his mind.

He raised Massimo, to be a great boy and soon to be man. He wanted the best for his son, and spoke extremely high of Isabella to him. He spoke of her as if she was an angel, who protected him and influenced him to be who he is today.

That's the story of Isabella and Finn. A short story. Very short story. But one that would last forever in Finn's mind. 

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