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1927 - Derby Race Course
Friday 24th October, 1:34pm

Isabella and Esme had their arms linked together. They sat down at the bar and shared a bottle of whiskey with one another, their second bottle of the day.

"He's just loosing the plot, one day he's going mad at me for not washing his bloody clothes within seconds and the next day he's fucking me in the betting shop as if it was our first time all over again." Esme ranted.

"I do not understand any men, all of them believe they are 12 years old still. Not a single fucking brain cell in any of them." Isabella laughed. 

They carried on joking and laughing about John and Finn, trying their best to stop themselves from gossiping, but they both couldn't help it.

Tommy pulled a seat out next to Isabella, before pouring himself a glass of whiskey out of their bottle.

"Who said you could have any of that?" Esme slurred. They both looked at Tommy who glanced up at them.

"To say it's your second of the day I'm sure you wouldn't mind." Tommy replied. Isabella shrugged and finished the rest of her glass. "Why aren't you two with your husbands."

"I could ask them the same questions, they both pondered off following you like lost bloody puppies." Esme spoke. Isabella nodded in agreement as she reached for the bottle of whiskey. Tommy grabbed the whiskey before she could and placed it to the side of him so she couldn't reach it.

"There are races going on outside this bar, it's a bright day and everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves. But your husbands have been running around trying to find you in the crowds for god knows how long."

"According to my husband I'm simply a stranger, so I believe Finn may have gone mad since you say he's been running around looking for me." Isabella said. She clicked her fingers and placed some money on the counter, making the barman place a new bottle of whiskey in front of her.

"Esme come here, I've been looking for you for ages and you're slumped in a bar." John shouted, she rolled her eyes and went over to him, wrapping her arm around his waist and guiding them away from Isabella and Tommy.

"Your father, he didn't seem to hesitate at the option to marry you off." Tommy spoke.

"My father is not someone who I wish to speak of." Isabella replied. 

"Finn mentioned to me that you haven't spoke much about your father."

"Finn should've also mentioned that we have hardly spoken since the wedding night. Maybe if he showed me more appreciation then we might be able to speak more about my life."

"I think you should stay with him for the rest of the day, you're more talkative when you're drunk and you're just about there now." Tommy grabbed the new bottle of whiskey in his own hand and placed the half empty bottle in Isabella's. They both left their seats and Tommy showed Isabella the way to finding Finn.

"Isabella, where the fuck were you I was getting worried." Finn scoffed as she approached him.

"Why were you so worried Finn?" Isabella scowled at him. She couldn't help but be bitter towards him and she knew he deserved it.

"I wanted to keep you safe, how could I do that when you decided to go off and get drunk with Esme?" he replied. He stepped closer towards her so his friend knew to turn his back and ignore them.

"You didn't seem so bothered about me in the last week, I'm just a stranger to you aren't I?" Isabella argued. Finn frowned, before remembering his and Isiah's conversation.

To Monaco & Back - Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now