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1927 - Polly Gray's house
Friday 12th December, 9:46pm

Isabella hadn't seen Finn since their argument. She had originally gone a walk once she left the house, but was found by Michael close to the cut at gone 1am. Isabella questioned why he was also there but he pushed past the question. Since the, Michael had taken her to live with him and Polly until her and Finn worked themselves out.

The whole family had heard about the incident between the two but decided not to comment. The two had not been seen near each other in what felt like months but was in fact a week. 

"Your tea leaves are telling me something again." Polly said, she was looking down into Isabella's empty cup, "Your in love, ready to forgive and forget. But you're scared of the past, scared it might come back."

Isabella sighed, she looked up at Polly. She understood that she must forgive and forget but Finn's drunk words stuck with her. 

Once she had left, Finn stood in the same spot in the kitchen for around an hour. Once he heard the door slam he sobered up completely. He knew better than to run after her, he knew she would wake up the whole street.

The next morning, he lied awake in bed staring at the ceiling. However once he began to panic about Isabella's whereabouts, he rushed to Esme's to look. Since she was not there, he had to explain the story to Esme. Finn was lucky John was there to stop Esme from hitting him. She stood up to do so but John grabbed her before she could even try.

John agreed with Esme, he had a right to be mad as he did think she was leaving him but he should never react until he knows the full story. He was also completely out of his mind for thinking she would leave him, they had both never been in love before and they were drawn to each other all day every day.

Finn tried to make himself go to Polly's each day to see her, too apologise for everything he said and to try his hardest to make it up to her. He was scared. Scared that he had lost the girl of his dreams. The person who he had been looking for his whole life.

Michael sat with Isabella every night, making sure she was okay and not crying herself to sleep every night. He stayed awake until she fell asleep and checked she was okay before he had to head to work.

However, there was something else in the tea leaves which stood out to Polly, something which no one had expected any time soon, but she decided to keep it to herself.

"I think you should see Finn soon, perhaps Sunday?" Polly advised. Isabella huffed and shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know Pol, if he wanted to see me he would've by now." Isabella sighed.

"Of course he wants to see you don't be silly. He's a boy, he's got no fucking balls and is scared of you." Polly answered, "He told me he's scared to piss you off. Said you started shouting in another language."

"I don't realise what country I'm in. I never used English that much until a few years ago." Isabella told her. Polly nodded, impressed by the amount of knowledge she had.

"For such a small girl you have an incredibly large temper, and too much knowledge for your own good." she said. Isabella chuckled slightly to herself, she had heard that comment too many times before.

"I get that a lot." Isabella replied.

"Go upstairs and check on Michael, I'm certain he's up to something, won't stop using the bloody phone." Polly huffed. Isabella nodded and went up the stairs to find Michael.

Since Isabella had been living in Birmingham, her and Michael hadn't spoken much. In fact they hadn't spoken at all. But since Michael found her crying, he developed a soft spot for her. He refused to be married to a woman who he didn't know. He wanted to live a free life. He still preferred Finn and her. He liked seeing Isabella as a sister, he wanted to look after her as much as he could do.

Isabella saw Michael putting the phone down and looking at her.

"You alright?" he asked. She nodded in return.

"What is it with you and that phone?" she questioned.

"I have something to deal with, nothing major." he replied. Isabella gave him a subtle 'hm' and walked to the guest room where she had been staying. Michael followed her and stood in the doorway whilst she sat on her bed reaching for a book. "Finn spoke to me today, says he wants to see you."

The Garrison, 3:23pm

Michael was talking to a woman, roughly the same age as him. She finished her drink at the bar and walked out the pub without saying goodbye, leaving Michael in a bad mood.

He heard someone sit onto the barstool next to him, making him look up to find out it was Finn.

"Is Bella okay?" he asked. 

"She's coping." Michael replied. He knew Isabella was perfectly fine, but he liked to wind Finn up and see how he reacts to each of the comments he makes.

"Does she want to see me?" he said.

Michael shrugged his shoulders and finished his drink, he was about to leave the pub but was stopped by Finn pulling him back.

"I fucked up, I know. I'm sorry. I just want to talk to her." he mumbled.

"What do you want from her Finn? A forgiveness or for her to love you." Michael asked. Finn was taken back by this question. He didn't reply, leaving Michael to nod and carry on standing to leave. As Michael walked past him, Finn turned to look at him.

"I love her. More than anything." Finn said. He kept himself under control, begging that tears wouldn't fall down his face.

"I'll speak to her." 


"I'll speak to him, tomorrow." Isabella told Michael. He nodded and walked to the end of the her bed, then sat himself down and looked at her.

"He won't hurt you any more, he loves you Bella. If it wasn't for you he would still be begging Tommy to let him do more illegal work, but you stopped that. Talk to him, sort things out." Michael told her. Isabella nodded. She also loved Finn, which was extremely scary to her but she knew the funny feeling inside was only her anxiety. 

That night, Finn sat awake for hours. He couldn't bear the loneliness and how quiet everything was without his girl. He liked to listen to her read, watch her cook, help her choosing clothes and the various sentences which she said in her sleep. He missed her more than anything, he knew what he did was wrong and would do anything to get her back.

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