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1927 - The Betting Shop
Saturday 22nd November, 2:47pm

Isabella tucked her hair behind her ears, huffing as she took her seat at the table in the betting shop. All the women looked at her.

"Morning Bella." Linda smiled. The sarcasm drooling of her chin.

"It was Finn's fault not mine. Decided to bring Isiah back to the bloody room and let him share the bed with us. I didn't even know until I woke up to him talking in his sleep earlier." Isabella complained. "Trouble them two are. Isiah thought it would be a good idea to go to the pub at 11 in the morning, Finn tagged along like a lost puppy leaving me to make the bed and tidy the room."

"All boy's are trouble Bella, all of them." Polly told her. She passed a book over to Isabella, as well as an empty one. "You'll need to rewrite the bets from last week, someone left Finn in charge of it and it's making my head itch looking at it."

Isabella groaned and picked up a pen and began to write down the correct spellings and addition which Finn had clearly struggled with. She also struggled to understand what he had been trying to write but eventually got the hand of it.

Esme sat down opposite her.

"Where did you and Finn disappear off to at the circus?" she whispered.

Isabella glanced up at Esme, before blushing as she remembered the scenes which occurred underneath the willow tree.

"Just a walk, there was a beautiful willow tree away from everyone else and it was rather secluded." Isabella looked down at her work, trying her best to hide her smile from Esme.

"Well I've got very big news for you." she said, Isabella looked up at her "I'm pregnant." 

"Again?" Isabella gasped, Esme nodded and smiled.

"Fuck knows how I'm supposed to tell John. Seems like we're both going insane with the amount we already have, I suppose we will have to make do."

"Esme Shelby, you need to slow down with John you never get a chance to breath with all them kids you've got."

"That's what I bloody said to him after the last one. Decided against it though didn't he and though that 6 is better than 5." Esme huffed.

"I disagree. I like the number 5 more than 6." Isabella began to rant about numbers, saying which ones she liked and which ones she doesn't. Esme learned that Isabella had a strong hatred towards the number 14 which made her question Isabella's sanity.

Tuesday 2nd December, 6:23pm

Dear Issie,
                     I've been kicked out the circus, we were in one of our final shows in London and the boss caught me with Tyler. But it's okay, we've got our house now and are settling down together. He stood up for me when the boss shouted, calling us faggots. It ended with him spending a night in prison but I was proud of him. 

We want to adopt a child, we've looked around for any agencies but most have refused to let us. Saying a child needs a real mother no matter what. It's unfair but I suppose the world needs to adjust to the reality. 

The ceremony won't take place for a while, it's hard to find a priest willing to marry us in the situation we are in. One had agreed but also refused to do it under his church and simply pushed me away. They claim it's going against the bible, I've never been Catholic anyways so I don't see the issue. 

Once the date is planned I will let you know as soon as I can, I don't know when it would be or where but I know whatever the situation is, then it will be perfect. I've never been happier.

I loved seeing you at the circus, it was a lovely surprise and I cannot wait to see you again at the wedding. It's a dream come true.

From your best H x

AUTHORS NOTE - I am so sorry this was so so short but i have no idea what else to say. Got a big scene coming up tho ur gonna love it xx

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