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1928 - Polly Gray's House
Wednesday, 23rd September - 6:12pm

Everyone was sat outside, enjoying the final moments of the summer sun before it all went away for autumn. Polly decided for everyone to come to hers, for a small dinner and 'quality family time' away from the business side. 

"Can't have a fucking drink or nothing." John complained.

"Oh don't be such a Debbie Downer John, I deserve a drink after a year of fuck all." Esme replied.

"It will be good for you John, perhaps you could even turn it into a routine." Linda suggests, Arthur adjusted himself in his seat as Linda said that, he knew everyone wasn't keen on Linda and tried his best to wind her down but he was well aware it was no use.

"Have a taste of what it's like to be me for a day, having to run around taking care of a million children whilst also handling a drunk bloke. It's tough." Esme said. John only looked across the floor.

"Still a load of shit." he muttered.

"It's alright John, I'm not drinking either we can do it together." Isabella smiled, it made John relieved that he wasn't the only one, they stuck together most the night. They weren't too close and mostly just spoke of how they were jealous of the others, as they were able to enjoy the night and be free.

Finn was dancing with Arthur, jumping around like rabbit's pretending no one else could see them. Linda scoffed at them and shook her head at their childish behaviour, while Isabella and John were in tears at the sight.

Isabella pulled herself up to go inside for more water and held onto Linda's hand. She walked into the kitchen and stood for a moment, her hand leaning against the chair and she took deep breaths.

"Fucking hell Bella, look like that baby's gonna fall out any minute." Michael laughed as she got her water for her.

"I think it's about too." Isabella said, she looked down and saw a big pool of water below her.

"Have you fucking pissed your self or something?" Michael frowned, his face crumbled into disgust and Polly's head shot around.

"Ada," Polly shouted, "Start the car, Michael go get Finn."


"I haven't fucking pissed my self my water broke. I'm having the baby." Isabella's voice shook as the spoke.

"Right hold my hand, I'll get you in the car. Michael go and fucking get Finn." Polly shouted again.

"Polly." Isabella said.

"It's alright come get in the car you need to sit down." Polly instructed, Isabella did as she said. In the short time she had known Polly she had found her to be right in the majority of situations.

Isabella was leaning against Polly in the back seat, her back rested against her chest and she took deep breaths.

"Where the fuck is Finn?" Isabella huffed.

"One fucking job he had, one job. Ada just go he can meet us there." Polly said.

"He'll just be one minute Pol, give him a chance." Ada replied.

"Ada, go now." Polly told her. Ada sighed and began to drive off.

A few minutes later, Finn rushed outside, it's safe to say he was in a state and definitely not prepared for a child at this moment.

"Where the fuck are they?" he slurred.

"Get in the car Finn, I'll take you." John said. It was certainly a good job John hadn't been drinking, otherwise Finn's driving would've killed them all before they left Polly's road.

"I don't think I'm ready Pol." Isabella muttered.

"No one does, but I assure you, you are." Polly replied, Isabella gripped her hand tightly for the entire ride. 

"What if I make a mistake, bring it up terrible, like my father did to me?" Isabella began to cry. She hadn't thought this until now, everything didn't feel real at all until now, until the exact moment she was having the baby.

"You'll be a great mother Bella, trust me I felt the same when I had Karl. Terrifying experience but it's worth it." Ada said. 

They arrived at the private hospital soon and carried Isabella inside, she was sat onto a table and her skirt pulled up. She threw her head back and screamed out loud.

"Where the fuck is Finn." She shouted. 

"He'll be here any minute Bella focus on the baby." Polly said.

At that moment Finn rushed in, he stopped for a moment and looked at Bella. Her legs spread to the side and covered in sweat.

Arthur, John and Michael stood behind him, all looking at Bella.

"Get our, you three, out now." Ada shouted to them. Finn stumbled as he walked and Ada pushed the other's out the room.

"Where the fuck were you?" Isabella cried.

"I am, so sorry Bella." Finn muttered, he tried his best to act sober, but despite it not working Isabella paid no attention to it at all, she only screamed out loud as she felt the baby coming out. 

Finn threw up, 6 times. During the birth, mostly because he was so drunk but also he kept being nosy and decided to look towards the baby as it was coming out. It earned him 6 lectures from Polly in the space of 10 minutes.

It was an hour later, Isabella held the baby tight in her arms as he cried softly. 

"Massimo Shelby." Finn said. "Our boy."

Isabella smiled, she was worn out but also extremely awake. She held onto her son as if he would be taken from her any minute.

"Hold him, he's your son as well Finn." Isabella said, she passed Massimo to Finn and he picked his hands up slowly to hold him. She smiled as he held onto him close. Tommy, Michael, John, Arthur and Ada had gone back home, they decided it was best to leave Finn and Isabella in peace for the night. Polly stayed to make sure Finn remained on his best behaviour and so Isabella had a sober helping hand by her side.

After a while Finn passed Massimo to Polly, she smiled and held him close. Making sure to rock him back and forth as she held him.

"Mrs Shelby, there's someone here to see you." a midwifes voice called from outside. Finn shouted for them to come in.


A noise Finn would never forget.

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