[ 19. we almost die ]

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| y/n's pov |

THOMAS AND I jumped down after Brenda and we walked after her through a small tunnel to be met with a very long and very dark one.

"I think it's this way." Brenda spoke, walking down the right side of the tunnel. Thomas was still staring down the left with his flashlight.

"You think?"

The tunnel was pretty gross, with old, grey water coating the floor in a thin layer and the dark walls were covered in old graffiti.

"Do people live down here?" I asked, my flashlight pointed at the wet ground.

"The Solar Storms forced people underground. Jorge says there's settlements all over these tunnels." Brenda replied.

"So, what about Jorge? Is he your father?" Thomas asked.

"Close enough. Truth is, I don't know what he is. He's just always been there." She answered. It must be nice having someone like that. The closest thing to family I had was Minho. "And I've always done what he's asked me to do, no matter how stupid."

"So you don't think the Right Arm's real?" Thomas asked.

Distant screeching came from behind us, sending a shiver down my spine. The three of us stopped and looked back for a moment.

"I think..." Brenda continued to walk. "Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope has killed more of my friends than the Flare and the Scorch combined. Just thought Jorge was smarter than that."

We came to the end of the path and was met with another left-or-right choice. Except this time there was two tunnels on each side.


The three of us each took steps forward, looking down different tunnels. The only thing I could hear was the sound of our shoes scraping against the damp concrete.

"Hey, I think it might be this way." I turned around and started walking over to Thomas, but he paused, still looking in the direction where Brenda was. "Brenda?"

I turned back to see she had disappeared.

"Brenda?" I started looking around.

"I'm over here." Her voice came from a few feet ahead of us. "Come look at this."

"What? What is it?"

My eyes followed her flashlight to see some kind of slimy red vines running across the wall. The further we walked, the longer it got. Eventually they covered every inch of the tunnel. The walls, floor and ceiling all had vines coating them.

"What the hell is this stuff?" I asked, my eyes flickering from the vines to Brenda.

"I don't know." She answered, taking a few more steps.

Screeching came from our left and all three of us spun with our flashlights towards the sound. There was a smaller, round tunnel. I jumped back slightly when a rat came into view, before sighing in relief.

The rat ran around Brenda's feet and she kicked it.

"Ugh! Jesus." She muttered.

THE NIGHT WE MET; thomas x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now