[ 24. a whole year later ]

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| y/n's pov |

I WAS SAT beside Minho on the train while we were being transported to God knows where. We were chained up, sore, hungry, and absolutely exhausted. The train was silent, except for the occasional rattle of a chain or blare of its horn.

That's why it was so strange when I heard the revving of a car engine outside. I looked to my right and shared a look with Minho. There was faint shouting and what sounded like gunshots and explosions.

A Berg whirred outside, and the car got fainter, but we could hear footsteps on the roof.

We had been on trains like this quite a few times the past year, but this had never happened.

I looked up just to see two pairs of feet run across the grates on the roof.

More shouting, gunshots, an explosion and my head smacking into the seat in front of me as the train came to a sudden slow.

After a few moments, someone started banging on the walls.

"Y/N! Minho!" My eyes went wide as all the other kids started yelling and rattling their chains. The voice was muffled, but I could tell who it was perfectly. It was Thomas. "Y/N, can you hear me? Minho?"

I started shouting as loud as I could, trying to make as much noise as possible to tell him we were there. Minho joined in, and his yelling was much louder than mine.

Voices conversed outside and I had absolutely no clue what was going on.

Gunshots went off again and Thomas' voice yelled.

"Newt, get up here!"

"Almost there!" Newt's familiar accented voice responded.

"Newt, go!" A deeper voice I didn't quite recognize shouted, but I assumed it was Vince.

The Berg whirring was loud again, and I could see it above us through the roof grates.

All the sounds seemed to be repeating; Gunshots, shouting, more gunshots, more shouting.

"Vince, get up here!" Newt called out.

"Now, Vince!" That was Thomas.

Then all the sounds got fainter, and fainter, until they just stopped. No more Berg, no more gunshots, and no more friends. Nothing.

I looked at Minho, and his eyes had a pained expression. We had been left behind.


| third person pov |

THOMAS PUSHED INTO the train the immediate second they had gotten the door open and began searching for his friends in the crowd.

"Aris." He finally recognized someone. Aris sat beside Sonya and was sporting a rather nasty-looking black eye. "Hey, you guys okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine." Sonya replied.

Thomas looked down at Aris again, the boy looked like a walking skeleton. "Jesus."

"There you are. Oh, God!" Harriet leaned down and hugged her two friends.

"It's okay. You guys are safe. All right? Just hang on."

Thomas walked further down the aisle and checked every single seat. He turned around once he got to the end of the room. He met Newt's eyes.

"They're not here." Thomas looked back down at the kids in front of him and repeated his words to himself. "They're not here."


"HERE, DRINK THIS." Harriet handed cups to Aris and Sonya.

"Took you guys long enough to rescue us." Aris said after taking a sip. He had a small smile on his face, just glad to be safe.

"It's good to see you, too, bud." Thomas put a hand on his knee. "So, what happened?"

"I fought back. Tried to, anyway."

"You're lucky you found us at all." Sonya spoke up. "They had us on the move a lot. It felt like something big was happening."

"Any idea where they were heading?" Asked Newt.

"All I know is... they kept talking about a city." Aris answered.

Thomas looked back at Newt and Harriet sat up in her seat.

"I didn't think there were any cities left." She said.

"That's because there aren't." Brenda told them. "Not still standing, anyway."

"Okay, wait, what about Y/N and Minho?" Thomas questioned. "Why weren't they on the train?"

Aris and Sonya looked at each other.

"I'm sorry, Thomas." Aris paused and Thomas waited for an answer. "They were."


| y/n's pov |

WE WERE TAKEN off of the train that night by WICKED soldiers.

"A-7." The man scanned Minho's neck and he was pulled out.

"B-7." I was pushed forward after Minho, and we were dropped on our knees in the sand.

"Of course it was them." Janson stated with a frown as he and another man walked closer. "What about the Berg?"

"We tracked it a few miles. But someone must've known about the locator. They're totally off the grid."

Janson stopped and watched as a girl was scanned. His eyes followed her, and he smirked once he noticed Minho and me. He started walking up to us while the man beside him continued to talk.

"We're searching the area, but they're probably long gone by now."

"Oh, no, they're not going anywhere." I glared at Janson and Minho looked up as he spoke to us. "He didn't get what he really wanted. Did he, sweetheart?"

I pulled my face away as he tried to stroke my cheek and continued to glare. Janson chuckled and turned on his heel, walking away.

much shorter chapter than usual but DEATH CURE!!! i'm so excited to write this one.

THE NIGHT WE MET; thomas x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now