Chapter 3-Time for a party

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Angel was alarmed she had only meant to prank Damon like her Uncle Kol taught her and then this loud girl shouts her .She didn't mean to cry she promises.She heard a loud growl and before she knew it the doppleganger was on the other side of the room with a hand on her neck. She couldn't see what happened exactly though as Steffie picked her up blocking her face from what happened.

Damon POV
As my little brother picked up my favourite girl and shields her from the scene that was happening.I felt my hand on Elena's neck chocking her. " YOU SCARED HER YOU SCARED A LITTLE GIRL".Dropping Elena I walk over to Angel and take her out of my little brother's arms .I hug her tightly as the room is silent with everyone glaring at Elena . Stefan being the hero haired brother he is explains it was just a joke and starts our meeting again.After Caroline's trauma story Elena stormed out and Bonnie followed while me ,Stefan and Caroline talked over plans with Angel rested on me hugging me .
Stefan: She wants to do it in public. Killing Mason threw her off guard.
Damon: She's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks.
Stefan: We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her.
Caroline: Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?
Damon: No, Katherine's not getting anything . I've had it. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her, tonight.
Stefan: You're not gonna kill her.
Damon: Don't give me that goody-goody crap.
Stefan: You're not gonna kill her.
Damon: Really?
Stefan: Because I am.
I hear soft little breaths and look down to see Angel asleep which means she didn't hear anything
Gilbert Residence
[Jenna is comes home from the hospital ,Immortal Matt helps while Jeremy and Elena help a tiny bit before going into the kitchen]
Jeremy: So what are we gonna do?
Elena: Make lunch.
Jeremy: No, about Katherine.
Elena: We're not gonna do anything, Jeremy.
Jeremy: She tried to kill Jenna. We can't let her get away with that.
Elena: Yes we can. If it keeps us safe then we can.
Jeremy: And what if she tries something else?
Elena: She won't. Katherine hurt Jenna because I didn't do what she said. I'm not doing it now, me and Stefan are over. She wins, the end.
Jeremy: You are being naïve and you know it.
[He leaves.]
Elena: Where are you going?
Jeremy: Out. I'll be back.

Katherine's Room
[Katherine enters the bedroom. She's carrying a shopping bag. Mrs. Flowers helps her as Katherine takes a dress from one of the bags. A woman is in the bedroom. Katherine rushes over her and pushes her against the wall.]
Lucy: Oh, Kat, chill.
Katherine: Do not sneak up on a vampire.
[Katherine releases her.]
Lucy: Don't attack a witch. It's good to see you girl.
[Katherine hugs her.]
Katherine: I'm glad you made it.
Lucy: You called, I came.
Katherine: Like you had a choice.
Lucy: Don't get all boss lady on me. You know I love you.
[She takes a mask from one of the bags.]
Lucy: Now, where does one wear this?
Katherine: To a masquerade ball. Tonight. You want to be my date?

Salvatore Boarding House
[Caroline opens the front door and Bonnie is there.Angel is being held by Damon]
Caroline: Hey, come on in.
Bonnie: I got Stefan's message.
Stefan: Hey, you brought the grimoire, thank you.
[She sees Damon and Alaric talking and she sees that there are a lot a weapon on the table.]
Bonnie: What's going on?
[Jeremy arrives.]
Jeremy: We're gonna kill Katherine.
Stefan: I can explain.
Bonnie: Please.
Stefan: We're gonna kill Katherine.
Damon:Angel calm down.
[Alaric shows the weapon to everybody.]
Alaric: This works with compressed air. The trigger mechanism is up here. I have two of these in a different size. For you I recommend this. It fits nicely under the jacket sleeve. You use the trigger when you're ready.
[He fakes killing a vampire. Damon and Stefan look at each other.]
Alaric: You wanted me to show you how to kill a vampire.
Angel just sighs

(Katherine is going to pretend to be Elena and plans to get the moonstone)

[Bonnie is talking with Stefan.]
Bonnie: I know you love Elena and you want to be with her but it's risky. Too many people could get hurt.
Stefan: Look, I want Elena back, yes but it's more than that. What Katherine did to Jenna it crossed the line. She has to be stopped before it happens again.
Bonnie: I don't know, Stefan.
Stefan: Katherine knows me, right? She knows that I'm not gonna try something in a crowd full of innocent people so that gives me an edge. I could catch her by surprise.
Bonnie: I could do a spell to trap her, like the tomb spell.
Stefan: Right. We can isolate her, away from the others. Please Bonnie.
[Everyone is in the living room.]
Alaric: Are you sure you guys don't want me there tonight?
Stefan: No, I need you to stay with Elena. I don't want her to know about this.
Angel Pitches in : Dammie Steffie can I come please .
[everyone giggles as you can hear her shout from upstairs]
Hero Hair Stefan and Dammie:Angel no
Angel walks downstairs in a nice elegant dress and says with puppy eyes :Please Steffie Dammie Please I'll stay near you
Damon & Stefan :Fine
Alaric: Okay. Well, I'll make sure she doesn't leave my sight.
Stefan: Alright, if anybody wants to back out, I'll understand.* looks at Angel*
Damon: Yeah. Cold feet speak now. I don't want this going wrong if someone chicken's out. Caroline.
Caroline: I won't. Look, she killed me. Fair's fair. As long as there's no werewolf running around.
Damon: Oh, I took care of Mason.
Jeremy: As long as Tyler doesn't kill anyone, he won't turn.
Stefan: Bonnie? Are you with us?
[Long pause.]
Bonnie: But no one gets hurt.
Damon: Except Katherine. Tonight Katherine gets a stake through her heart.
Angel sighs:Oh no

Lockwood Mansion
[Katherine and Lucy arrive. They're going different ways. Katherine takes a strawberry from a plate and walks into Matt.]
Matt: Elena?
Katherine: Matt? You look dashing.
Matt: I thought you said you weren't coming.
Katherine: I couldn't miss it. You really are hot in a suit. I would love to just...Okay, here's the deal.
[She compels him.]
Katherine: Do you know what you have to do?
Matt: I'm gonna get Tyler Lockwood really drunk. I'm going to start a fight with him and I'm gonna beat him until he snaps.
Katherine: And then?
Matt: I won't stop until he kills me.
Katherine: God, you're hot. Now go away.
Matt: Thank you.
[He leaves.]

[Damon and Stefan are outside with Angel who is off to the side twirling in her dress and giggling . They look around.]
Damon: Do you see her?
Stefan: Nope. You're sure you can do this?
Damon: Who are you talking to?
Stefan: Oh, I had the chance to kill her and I hesitated.
Angel:Dammie ! Steffie ! Look Look
*Damon and Stefan smile at her*
Damon: Well that is the fork in the road between you and me my friend. I don't hesitate.
Stefan: You spent 145 years loving her, it could happen.
Damon: I won't hesitate.
Stefan: Okay.
[Jeremy is carrying a bag. He and Bonnie go upstairs. They enter an empty room.]
Jeremy: I thought this room could work.
Bonnie: It's perfect.
[Jeremy takes a weapon from the bag. Bonnie sits down and takes out the grimoire.]
Jeremy: Is that the spell book I read about in my family's old journal?
Bonnie: it's my ancestor, Emily's. The spell I'm doing here is similar to the one that sealed the vampires into the tomb.
[She opens it. Jeremy puts the bag in the closet.]
Jeremy: Can you do all the stuff that's in there?
Bonnie: I mean it takes practice. I've worked on some small spells. Spells that only do good. I don't want to know too much. I don't particularly enjoy any of this, in case you haven't noticed.
Jeremy: Yeah but you're 100% witch, that is so cool.
Bonnie: It's anything but cool. Did your family journals tell you what happened to Emily? Or what about my Grams? It never ends well for people like me.
Jeremy: If you feel that way, why help?
Bonnie: Because I don't want anyone else getting hurt and I don't know how to stay out of it.

Gilbert Residence
]Jenna is on the couch. Elena is with her.]
Jenna: I feel like an invalid.
Elena: That's because you are an invalid. Where's Jeremy? Isn't he hungry?
Jenna: He already left for the Lockwood party.
Elena: He went to that?
Jenna: Yeah, I'm glad. He needs to have more fun. Lose some of that emo thing.
Elena: I'm gonna get some napkins.
[She goes into the kitchen and joins Alaric.]
Elena: What's going on?
Alaric: What do you mean?
Elena: I haven't heard from anyone all day. It's like everyone's been avoiding me and now Jeremy's supposedly at the party? He hates stuff like that.
Alaric: I don't know what to tell you, Elena.
[His phone rings. She tries to grab it but he grabs it and puts it in his pocket.]
Elena: So then you'll be okay if I just head out, try to meet up with everyone.
Alaric: Wait, wait, wait.
Elena: What are you hiding, Ric?
Alaric: Stefan asked me to keep an eye on you, just in case Katherine showed up while he was at the party.
Elena: So Stefan's at the party too? He would never go to the party for himself; he did that stuff for me.
Alaric: Just let this one go. Okay Elena

Authors Note:Sorry for the delay.I do not own TVD.So far it has to be like the plot until the next episode where Elena gets kidnapped.

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