Chapter 4-Kidnapped

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[Bonnie and Jeremy are going back to the party and Bonnie asks Lucy if she knew her after the creepy familiar feeling]
Katherine: Dance with me.
Stefan: No.
Katherine: Fine then tell me who I should kill. Him? Hmm, she looks delicious.
[She eats a strawberry. Stefan offers her his arm. She follows him and they dance.]

Katherine: It's a beautiful night.
Stefan: Why the charade?
Katherine: How's Jenna? I certainly didn't expect her to survive that. Lucky girl. Clumsy. How does one stab oneself?
Stefan: Katherine?
Katherine: Uh?
Stefan: I don't want anyone to get hurt tonight.
Katherine: Okay. Then give me the moonstone and nobody will.
Stefan: Well, you see, I don't have the moonstone on me. So, you and I will have to go get it together.
Katherine: Hmm. I have a better plan. You go fetch it and I will try not to kill anyone in the meantime.
Stefan: My way or you don't get it.
[Aimee arrives and gets her spine snapped by the legend herself]
Katherine: Paralyzed from the waist down. (Snaps Aimee's spine again.) And dead.
[She kills her and throws Aimee's body in Stefan's arms.]
{Oh she didn't last long RIP Aimee}

Katherine: The moonstone, Stefan. Tick tock.

[Elena takes her car keys and secretly leaves the house.]
[Stefan ,Damon and Angel are in an empty room.]

Stefan: I put the body in the trunk for now.
Damon: We'll dump her when we get back.Calm down sweetie
Stefan: This is exactly what I didn't want it, Damon.
Damon: Stefan, it's collateral damage.
Angel:Damon that was a person
Stefan: Right, which is why we need to call it off.
Damon: What? Who's hesitating now? Hey! Don't do this to me! This woman ruined our lives, she destroyed us! Tonight it ends. We can do it together. I got your back. All right?
Stefan: All right.

[Jeremy receives a text message from Damon that reads "Now."]

[Elsewhere Katherine is walking. and talking with Lucy]
[Jeremy arrives.]
Jeremy: Elena.
[He removes his mask and looks at Lucy.]
Jeremy: Hey sorry, could I talk to my sister?
[She leaves.]
Katherine: What is it Jeremy?
Jeremy: I have a message from Stefan.
[She looks surprised.]
Katherine: Oh?
Jeremy: He and Damon want you to meet them at the edge of the lake by the woods. They brought the moonstone.
Katherine: And why are you their little messenger?
Jeremy: Because they know I'm not afraid of you.
Katherine: Hmm, you Gilbert men, so courageous. How's John by the way? Were they able to sew his fingers back on?
[She strokes his tie, looks at him and leaves. Jeremy is texting to Damon but Elena grabs his arm.]

Elena: What the hell is going on?
[Caroline is inside. She sees Matt with Sarah and Tyler. He stops, looks at her and leaves with them. She receives a text from Jeremy reading "Your turn." She walks through an empty part of the manor and goes to open a door but Katherine arrives, grabs Caroline's wrist and pushes her against the wall]

Caroline being the icon she is tricks Katherine until
Katherine is drags a sobbing Caroline upstairs.

Caroline: Why do you keep dragging me into this? I don't want any part of it.
Katherine: Shut up!
[They are in front of a door.]
Katherine: Which room is it?
Caroline: It's that one.
[She goes into the room. Caroline stays outside.]
Katherine: Where is she?
[Caroline's sobbing turns into a chuckle.]
Caroline: I did it! I really didn't think that I'd be able to fool you but I did it!
[Katherine rushes over but she can't leave the room. She's trapped.]
Katherine: What the...? Stefan?
[He's in the room too. He has a stake in his hand.]
Stefan: Hello Katherine.
Caroline: Goodbye Katherine.
[She leaves.]

Katherine: You don't really think that you can kill me with that now, do you?
Stefan: No, but he can.
[Damon walks out the closet holding the compressed air weapon and Angel who looks to be asleep]

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