Chapter 13-The sleeping Angel

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Gilbert Lake House

[Elena is sitting on the sofa, reading one of Johnathan Gilbert's journals.]

Gilbert Residence 1864

Johnathan: (voiceover) With the dying embers of the fire at Fell's Church, the scourge of the vampires had passed. And though war raged all around us, our town was safe from the demons of the night...Or so we thought.
[At the Gilbert house of the past. Jon Gilbert, Honoria, and Thomas Fell are enjoying dinner and some wine. A man walks across the yard, outside, and up towards the house.]

Gilbert Lake House

[Elena flips to the next page of the journal and reads it with interest.]
Gilbert Residence 1864
Johnathan: (voiceover) For the monsters we drove to their fiery deaths had begat new monsters.
[Outside of the house, the Fells and Jon hear a creaking board being unsettled by footsteps. They look over at the window.]
Honoria: Did you hear that?
[Thomas walks over to the window and peers out. There is no one in sight. Thomas picks up a knife from the table.]
Thomas: Stay here.
Honoria: No, Thomas.
Thomas: It's all right, dear, the vampires are all dead.
Johnathan: Yes, Honoria...they burned in the church. We're safe now.
[Thomas walks out of the house, leaving the front door open behind him. Honoria still looks worried.]
Honoria: Please, Johnathan. I'm worried.
Johnathan: Very well. I shall go too.
[Johnathan gets up from the table and walks outside. Thomas is in the yard, searching around, with the knife pointed out in defense. Johnathan walks towards him.]
Johnathan: I can prove there are no vampires.
[Thomas looks at him. Johnathan pulls out the vampire compass and holds it out. Nothing happens.]
Johnathan: See?
[For a moment, Thomas looks relieved. But, the arrow of the compass starts spinning around and around at an incredible speed. Johnathan looks down at it and tries to follow the direction the arrow is pointing. When he turns back around, Thomas has disappeared.]
Johnathan: Thomas? Thomas?!
[Johnathan walks down from the porch and looks around. His eyes are wide with fear. Suddenly, behind Johnathan, Thomas' body falls from the sky. Johnathan turns around and looks down at the body. Honoria has come out onto the porch and runs towards Thomas.]
Honoria: Thomas!
Johnathan: No, stay inside! Get back in the house!
[The vampire rushes onto the porch and grabs Honoria. He bites into her throat and drains her of her blood. She falls down on the floor, dead. Johnathan watches as the vampire slowly turns to look at him.]
Johnathan: (voiceover) I knew I was about to die. You can not run from a vampire. I saw the vampire who killed me. I recognized him. It was Stefan Salvatore.
[Stefan walks over to Johnathan, blood running down his chin, bites him and kills him.]

Gilbert Lake House

[Elena looks up from the journal with a shocked expression. She looks out the window at Stefan who is on the dock.]
[Outside, Stefan is on the dock, skipping stones across the lake. His phone rings and he answers it. Damon is on the other end.]
Stefan: What's going on?
Damon: Well, I showered. I shaved. Had breakfast. Very relaxed.
Stefan: That makes one of us.
Damon: I did hear one piece of good news though. Tyler Lockwood ran away from home last night.
Stefan: How do you know?
Damon: Well, I heard it from Sheriff Forbes, who heard it from a very distraught Carol Lockwood, thus, ending our werewolf chapter, bringing us to...
Stefan: ...killing Elijah.
Damon: Exactly.
Stefan: Well, it's not going to be easy. He's crafty.
Damon: Well, I've got a crafty little dagger.
Stefan: He's an Original. We don't know what all that encompasses.
Damon: Oh, trust me, Stefan. I'm gonna dot all my t's. I don't want any surprises.
Stefan: Wow, Damon, tell me you're actually gonna be careful for once?
Damon: Yes, Stefan, I've become you. How tragic for both of us. Got to run. I've a murder to plan. Busy day.
[Damon hangs up. Stefan lowers his phone and looks at Elena through the window. He walks back up to the house.]

Old Fell Property

[Jenna is taking Elijah and Angel on a tour of some of the historical sights of Mystic Falls.]

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