Chapter 7- Sugar High

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Salvatore Boarding House

[Elena is knocking on the door. Damon opens it and there is a giggle that goes past quickly]

Damon: Hello, Elena.
Elena: Is Stefan here? He called. He said it was important.
Damon: Right this way.
[She enters the house. Stefan arrives.]
Stefan: Hey.
Elena: What is this about?
[Rose arrives out of breath with a giggling Angel in her hands]
Elena: You.
[They go in the living room. Elena is sitting on the couch.]
Rose: Okay, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true. It's the problem with all this vampire crap but Klaus, I know he's real.
(Angel listens carefully while twiddling her thumbs)
Elena: Who is he?
Damon: He's one of the originals, he's a legend.
Stefan: From the first generation of vampires.
Elena: Like Elijah?
Rose: No. Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus. He's a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal.
Stefan: Klaus is known to be the oldest.
(Angel giggles out load at the words and everyone just smiles at her)
Elena: Okay, so you're saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?
Rose: Yes.
Stefan: No.
Damon: What they're saying is, I mean if what she's saying is true...
Rose: Which it is.
Damon: And you're not saying it so I don't kill you.
Rose: Which I'm not.
Damon: Then we're looking at a solid maybe.
Stefan: Look, Elijah's dead, right? So no one else even knows that you exist.
Rose: Not that you know of.
Damon: That's not helping.
Stefan: Look, I've never even met anyone who's laid eyes on him. I mean, we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction. We don't know if he's real. For all we know he could just be some sort of stupid bed time story.
Rose: He's real and he doesn't give up. If he wants something, he gets it. If you're not afraid of Klaus, then you're an idiot.
Damon: Alright, we're shaking. You made your point.
Angel:Aaah(she giggles again) Damon's scared Damon's scared
[Elena gets up.]
Stefan: Where are you going?
Elena: School. I'm late.
Angel:Can I come too please!
Stefan: Let me grab my stuff, I'll go with you.
Elena: It's okay, I know where it is.
[She leaves with Angel's hand held in her own]
Damon (to Rose): She's in denial.
Stefan: Shut up, Damon.

Mystic Falls High School

[Bonnie arrives at school. One of her books fall on the ground. Jeremy arrives.]
Jeremy: Here, I got it.
Bonnie: Thanks. Where's Elena?
Jeremy: She's actually running late today. What are you doing later? You want to hang out at the grill, shoot some pool? The winner owns the table.
Bonnie: Uh, why?
Jeremy: Why what?
Bonnie: Well, you never asked me to play a game of pool before so why now?
Jeremy: Uh, I don't know, I thought it'd be fun, never mind.
Bonnie: No, hey, okay. Sure. It's just...
Jeremy: Just what?
Bonnie: It's just you're Elena's brother and...sure. It's just, I'm really bad at pool.
Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. I thought you might be.
[A boy arrives.]
Luka: Excuse me! Do you guys know which way is the office?
Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. Through the double doors then straight ahead, quick left and then your first right. You must be new here.
Luka: Yeah, I am. It's kind of hard to hide it. My name's Luka.
Jeremy: I'm Jeremy, this is Bonnie.
Luka: Hi, Bonnie.
[They look at each other. Jeremy looks at them.]
Jeremy: Anyway, Luka. I'm actually heading in that direction. Why you don't follow me? It can get confusing.
Luka: Thanks man. It's nice to meet you Bonnie.
[He looks at her and leaves with Jeremy.]


[Elena is with Caroline and Angel.Elena is carrying a bag and Angel]
Elena: Tell everyone I wasn't feeling well and I went home from school.
Caroline: I can't believe I'm agreeing to this. I'm a terrible liar.
Elena: And keep Stefan busy. I don't want him to know what I'm up to.
Caroline: I'm even worse at duplicity and you know this.
Elena: You managed to keep me occupied when Katherine paid Stefan a visit.
Caroline: Yeah, because she threatened me. Not that I'm saying that you should use that as a tactic, it's...Stefan's gonna see right through me.
Elena: Caroline, as my friend, do you promise or not?
Caroline: You had to break out the girlfriend code. Okay. I promise.
Elena: Okay.Will you take Angel too please?
Caroline: Why don't you want Stefan to know? And of course I'll take the little cutie
Elena: Because he would never be okay with me doing this.
[They go under the church ruins. They stop in front of the tomb's door.]
Caroline: Are you sure you want to do this?
Elena: Yes, I'm sure. She's the only one who knows the truth about Klaus. The only one who can tell me how to stop him.
Caroline: But you're asking for the truth from someone who's probably never giving it. Are you sure about this?
Elena: Yeah. I can't just sit back and wait. I have to know, Caroline. Please.
[Caroline goes towards the door and opens it.]
Elena: Katherine?
[She looks at Caroline.]
Elena: I'll be okay from here.Here(She passes a sleepy Angel to her)
[They hear a noise. Elena turns her head and looks at the door entrance. Katherine arrives and stops at the entrance.]
Katherine: Hello Elena. You come to watch me wither away? Goodbye Caroline.
Elena: As long as I stay on this side of the door, she can't hurt me. Please.
[Caroline looks at them and leaves.]
Katherine: Stefan know you're here?
Elena: I brought you some things.
Katherine: You came to bribe me? What is it that you want?
Elena: I want you to tell me about Klaus.
Katherine: Hmm, you've been busy.
Elena: I also brought you this.
[She takes an old book from the bag.]
Elena: It's your family history. It says in here that the family line ended with you. Obviously that's not true.
Katherine: You think that if you brought me some family keepsake that I'd open up?
Elena: I also brought you this.
[She takes a bottle of blood from the bag and shows it to Katherine. Katherine rushes over towards Elena but she can't get out because of the spell.]
Elena: You don't look so good. How long before your body shuts down? 10, 20 years? It must be painful to desiccate and mummify. I can't even imagine.
[Katherine sits down on the floor. Elena puts some blood in a glass on the ground and pushes it towards her with a stick. Katherine takes the glass and drinks. Her skin regains some of its color.]
Katherine: You have the Petrova fire.
Elena: More blood?
[Katherine puts the glass on the floor. Elena takes it.]
Katherine: It's a long story, Klaus and I. It goes all the way back to England, 1492, after I left Bulgaria. Or was thrown out.
[Elena gives Katherine more blood.]
Elena: Thrown out?
Katherine: My family, your true ancestors, they disowned me. My indiscretions were not tolerated at that time. I had a baby out of wedlock. The shame.
Elena: It was kept secret?
Katherine: Mhmm. My baby was given away. I was banished to England and I had to learn to adjust. So I quickly became English. It was there that I caught the eye of a nobleman named Klaus. I was taken with him at first, til I found out what he was and what he wanted from me. And then I ran like hell.

Klaus Runaway Angel (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now