t h r e e

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eventually the night passed and hongjoong felt better. seonghwas "friends" were leaving and seonghwa stood downstairs with the younger boys.

hongjoong felt uncomfortable in his presence, so he covered his whole body up with a blanket only leaving his eyes to show.

seonghwa chuckled seeing hongjoongs state.

"are you guys hungry?" seonghwa asked while getting up.

"seonghwa get us some food," wooyoung shoved his brother.

"can you at least say please you little brat," seonghwa scoffed.

"no," wooyoung said with bounce on his steps.

"i swear to god," seonghwa said under his breath before picking up his phone to order some takeout.

he opened the delivery app and let wooyoung choose whatever he wanted.

he then chose his own selection before making his way next to hongjoong and sitting down next to him.

"hey pretty, what do you want to eat?" seonghwa said tilting his head towards hongjoong.

"pretty?!" wooyoung exclaimed with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

"this is why I told you to stop calling me that," hongjoong groaned and pulled the blanket to cover up his entire face.

seonghwa chuckled before lifting up the blanket and peeking his head inside.

hongjoong let out a small squeal and shoved seonghwas face away.

"just hurry and choose what you want pretty boy," seonghwa said putting the phone on his lap.

hongjoong cursed under his breath and quickly chose a random food, hoping that seonghwa would get away.

wooyoung watched the sight unfold with a knowing look. he quickly slipped away while the two weren't watching and went to take a nice long shower.

wooyoung wasn't stupid. he saw the way hongjoong froze up only around seonghwa, and the way seonghwa had a soft spot for the younger. seonghwa was only two years older than hongjoong so it wasn't that much of a major difference.

wooyoung knew that seonghwa liked boys too, something that hongjoong didn't know. hongjoong thought that seonghwa was homophobic just like according to him, "his friend group."

seonghwa placed the order and glanced around to check where wooyoung was.

hongjoong did the same and got up from the couch to hear the water running.

"that fucker," hongjoong cursed.

seonghwa caught ahold of hongjoong pacing around like a lost puppy and let out a loud laugh.

"what's so funny?" hongjoong shot his head towards seonghwas direction.

"you remind me of a chihuahua," seonghwa said crossing his legs and propped his arm up, which was holding his head.

"seonghwa I'm two seconds away from slapping you," hongjoong said in annoyance, lifting up a fist.

"do it pretty boy," seonghwa smirked. he saw the way hongjoong malfunctioned before putting on his usual angry expression.

"can you stop?" hongjoong sighed out.

"do you really want me to stop?" seonghwa said amused.

hongjoong stood silent before yelling out a no that completely sounded opposite as to what he said.

seonghwa chucked before patting the spot next to him.

"we need to talk," seonghwa demeanor suddenly changed which scared hongjoong.

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