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the day was going by slower than usual and hongjoong was not having it.

today the comments seemed to be harsher than usual, and he mentally cursed himself out for dressing so extra on a finals day.

it was currently passing period and hongjoong was standing by his locker.

he was upset that the library was closed since it was finals day and they didn't allow anyone in, so he had to stay in the crowded halls.

he strolled around, as some students whistled at him or threw offensive remarks at the boy.

he only tried to ignore them, but as he passed a certain group they kept throwing slurs at him.

he sighed and tried to walk the other way before a girl called out to him.

"why do you wear those type of clothes when you're a guy?" she said with snobbishness.

"mind your own business," hongjoong snapped.

"who do you think your talking to?" the girl said threateningly.

hongjoong chuckled a sarcastic laugh before raising his hands up in fake defense, "what are you going to do? hit me?" hongjoong taunted.

that girls posse showed up to defend her and threw out degrading comments to hongjoong, earning a couple shoves too. he tried to walk away but there was taller guys there smirking down at him, blocking his way.

he felt overwhelmed, and started to feel tears prickle in the corner of his eyes.

"what are you going to do? cry?" one of the guys taunted at him.

eventually he felt a pair of arms pull him away from the crowd. his vision was blurry so he couldn't make out who it was.

"i am so sorry hongjoong are you okay?" he heard a familiar voice say.

"wooyoung," hongjoong winced out.

wooyoung dragged hongjoong into their next class that they shared together, thankfully being an elective so they didn't have to take a final for that class.

the class was empty, luckily for hongjoong.

"it's too much today woo," hongjoong said, putting his head down on the desk.

"do you want to come over today? it's Friday so you can sleep over and we can watch movies together and cuddle while eating snacks!" wooyoung exclaimed running a hand through hongjoongs split hair.

hongjoong nodded and let in a sharp breath through his teeth.

"okay no crying," hongjoong said sitting up. wooyoung let out a toothy grin at him nodding.

eventually their class was over and the boys went to gather their things from their lockers before leaving.

hongjoong split apart from wooyoung to go to his locker, and saw seonghwa from the corner of his eye. he quickly glanced up and saw the girl that was bullying him all up on seonghwa.

the older boy had his usual smirk on, as he was surrounded by girls.

hongjoong scoffed and shook his head in disbelief.

seonghwa saw the younger boy looking at him in disgust, and he winked his way.

hongjoong felt his stomach churn. he was so fed up with him, that he slammed his locker door shut and speed walked down the hall to find wooyoung.

he felt the pit of his stomach heavy, and the sight of seonghwa with girls made him want to throw up.

he eventually found wooyoung and tugged his arm, leading him out the school.

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