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the boy woke up with a throbbing headache hitting against the sides of his head.

he groaned and groggily tapped the side of his nightstand to find his phone.

he read the time and immediately shot up.

"shit I'm late!" he said and scrambled out of bed dashing to the bathroom to freshen up.

after the boy did his morning routine quickly, he dialed his best friends number praying he hasn't left for school yet.

it rang twice before the other answered, "hongjoong? why are you calling me?" the boy singsonged.

"good morning to you too, please tell me you haven't left yet!" hongjoong proclaimed.

"uh.... do you not see the time? of course I left dumbass, just because I'm your usual ride doesn't mean I'm going to be late for you" he responded back simply.

hongjoong whined loudly before speaking up again, "it's because I woke up late and I was hoping you can scoop me up before you got there," he sighed defeatedly.

"hongjoong nobody even says scoop me up anymore keep up," the boy said sassily.

"wooyoung I swear to fuck if i wasn't behind this damn phone screen I would've slapped the shit out of you," hongjoongs demeanor changed instantly.

wooyoung let out his iconic laugh and spoke up, "im just messing with you hyung! ill ask my hyung to pick you up because he was gonna leave a little later," wooyoung said snark laced in his tone.

"no, id rather die," hongjoong deadpanned.

"well looks like you aren't getting to school on the day of your final! bye hongjoong!" wooyoung said sarcastically.

"wait! wooyoung wait!" hongjoong said desperately, hands waving around in the air, "okay okay, just ask him please!" hongjoong cried out.

wooyoung giggled and nodded, aware of the fact that hongjoong can't see him, "he will be there I'll make sure of it," wooyoung said and hung up.

hongjoong sighed defeatedly. he had a problem with wooyoungs brother since he was always teasing hongjoong for absolutely no reason.

hongjoong found him quite annoying, cocky, arrogant, and all of the above.

hongjoong glanced at the clock and saw he only had 20 more minutes until his first class started. he hoped that wooyoungs brother would arrive on time.

he took this time to apply some makeup and a couple accessories to his outfit.

he added a red and black corset belt on top of his black shirt, that he paired with a red checkered skirt. he had knee high socks and sneakers on.

hongjoong liked breaking gender norms and was quite known at school for that. a lot of people respected him, some people didn't. but that didn't tear hongjoong down so easily. he heard comments everyday, so he was used to it. but he is human, it sometimes got hard for him.

he applied some eyeliner and some red tinted lip gloss, and changed out of his old piercings and put in new ones.

he sprayed some perfume on and got his bag ready, as he was waiting for the older.

a few minutes later hongjoongs phone dinged, indicating that the older was there waiting outside.

hongjoong took a deep breath in and mentally prepared himself to face the older that he was dreading to see.

he stood up and walked out the door making sure to lock it behind him. he walked awkwardly to the familiar black car.

he felt the older watch him as he went around and opened the door to sit in the passenger seat.

"hey wooyoungs pretty friend," the older smirked at him while glancing down at his outfit.

hongjoong grumbled and put his backpack over him, covering himself as he felt self conscious. he didn't know how he was able to make him feel so small and intimidated. he has known the older for a long long time, but he still can't seem to get used to him.

"not even hi? hello? good morning, thank you for picking me up?" the boy mocked.

hongjoong shut his eyes, not wanting to damage his pride he just stayed silent.

"im not moving until you say it," he spoke up nonchalantly, crossing his arms and putting them behind his back.

hongjoong sighed loudly in annoyance before grumbling out words quietly.

"i cant hear you~" the older teased.

hongjoong resisted the urge to slap him in the face before yelling out, "seonghwa just move already! thank you for picking me up now start driving," hongjoong spewed out.

seonghwa chuckled and ruffled hongjoongs hair before driving off.

hongjoong sighed and used his fingers to fix his hair.

"have you eaten?" seonghwa asked, acting like he wasn't teasing the younger just a couple seconds ago.

"no, i woke up late cant you see?" hongjoong said in annoyance and gestured at himself with his hand.

"calm down pretty, im just asking you a question, plus you look great for a person who just woke up," seonghwa said glancing towards the younger, noticing his red ears. he smirked but didn't press on it seeing the attitude that hongjoong held right now.

hongjoong wanted to apologize but, he was better than that so he just nodded.

the rest of the car ride was silent. seonghwa didn't want to pester the boy knowing they had finals due to wooyoung complaining in his ear for the past week.

they pulled up to the school and seonghwa parked in his usual parking spot. hongjoong quickly got out the car with seonghwa trailing behind him.

"ill walk you to class pretty," seonghwa said wrapping an arm around the younger boys shoulder.

"get your filthy hands off of me," hongjoong whined and moved away from seonghwa, gaining a couple stares from people.

"see now people are staring!" hongjoong proclaimed and jabbed a finger into seonghwas chest.

"i thought you loved attention pretty," seonghwa replied simply.

"stop calling me that," hongjoong said picking up his pace.

seonghwa had no problem keeping up with him since he was taller than the boy, only annoying hongjoong more.

eventually hongjoong made it to his class and was about to walk in before seonghwa put a hand on his shoulder, "good luck on your final today pretty boy," he leaned forward and said sweetly making hongjoong flush.

hongjoong mumbled out a quick thank you before bursting into his class, gaining a few stares from his classmates but paid it no kind mind, as the previous situation was far more embarrassing.

seonghwa only chuckled, thinking the boys reaction was cute and made his way down to his own class.

hongjoong took a seat next to one of his best friends, yeosang.

"you look like you just saw a ghost," yeosang said pointing at his face.

"did my brother bother you?" wooyoung interfered, scaring hongjoong.

"when did you get here?" hongjoong questioned in disbelief.

"ive been here, you just didn't see me," wooyoung pouted.

hongjoong mumbled a short apology. recalling the events in his head.

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