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the next day wooyoung got up from the couch with a stretch and looked to his right.

he saw seonghwa leaned against the arm of the couch with hongjoong laying on top of him, head on his chest.

wooyoung almost let out a squeal but didn't want to wake the duo up.

wooyoung slipped out the door.

the noise woke up seonghwa but didn't move once he felt weight on top of him.

his eyes fluttered open and felt warmth spread across his body upon seeing the sight in front of him.

hongjoongs head rested peacefully on top of seonghwas chest. his long eyelashes touched his skin. his eye makeup was still on, as they randomly fell asleep. he knew hongjoong would be mad, recalling a brief memory of him yelling at wooyoung for not waking him up to take off his makeup. he smiled at the thought and continued to admire the boy.

seonghwa was always aware of his feelings towards the younger. even when they were little he did everything to try and impress the stubborn boy, but to no avail, it only made hongjoong annoyed with him.

he always thought hongjoong would see him as an older brother and slowly started to accept his fate. but deep down he didn't want that.

seonghwa did have a couple girlfriends here and there, but they never worked out as he knew he liked boys too.

seonghwa didn't like to label his sexuality, as he thought it was restricting in a way. he liked what he liked, and nobody could tell him otherwise.

in this case, he likes hongjoong. he doesn't know what else is going to happen with the younger, but he hopes they could become closer in a way they are now.

he wants to be able to hold hongjoong without any doubt. he wants to be able to get to speak to him without having to choose specific words. he wants to be able to not just call him wooyoungs friend, but call him his own.

he wants hongjoong. but he wants to take it slow. he wants to savor every moment he can get with him.

seonghwas thoughts made him grow tired, eventually falling back asleep even though he was in a sort of uncomfortable position.

after a little while later, the front door opened and in bursted a group of boys.

"no fucking way," yeosang said out loud.

"you owe me 40 dollars yeosang!" yunho exclaimed.

"my boy seonghwa finally got himself some dick," san said wiping a fake tear from his eye.

"literally shut up san," jongho said slapping his shoulder.

"we finally aren't the only ones yun," mingi said resting his head on his shoulder.

hongjoong and seonghwas eyes shot open at the commotion.

"anyways finally you guys realized, thought I was going to be in my grave until then," jongho joked, earning a glare from his older friends.

hongjoong grew embarrassing and scurried to pull the blanket over his head. seonghwa only flushed a bit and let out a sheepish grin.

"im so happy," wooyoung said fake crying and running to throw himself onto the two boys.

they both groaned and simultaneously threw wooyoung off of the couch.

"are you guys dating yet?" san chimed in.

the two boys shook their head and looked away from each other. the air suddenly got awkward before yeosang interfered.

"can you fuckers get ready because we are going out to eat," he said and plopped down on the couch, snatching the remote to put on a random show meanwhile.

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