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WARNING: sexual content and long chapter: 3090 words

it had been 7 months since seonghwa and hongjoong started dating. seonghwa had properly asked out hongjoong after taking him out on a date to downtown to ice skate. the ice rink had a Christmas tree in the middle that you could skate around, so he thought it was perfect to ask him underneath the pretty lights. the two boys were perfect for each other.

it was now summer so the two boys laid in bed with light clothing, as the weather was very hot.

hongjoong laid across seonghwas chest, it was his favorite cuddling position. being little spoon made hongjoong feel protected.

seonghwa ran his fingers through hongjoongs hair, making the younger let out satisfied hums every once in a while.

the show they currently had on had a couple of provocative scenes that made the tension in the room a little high.

seonghwas thoughts began to run wild. he began to think how the younger would like like underneath him. tears running down his face as he let out sinful noises due to seonghwa ramming into him. he quickly mentally slapped himself for thinking like that since hongjoong was just innocently laying on top of him. he hoped that hongjoong wouldn't be able to feel the boner that seonghwa quickly developed.

hongjoong on the other hand, was not doing so well himself. he knew that him and seonghwa shared intimate moments but not to the point where to two had sex. the closest they had gotten was just hongjoong grinding on top of him while making out, but it never went further as the boys wanted to properly share that special moment for another time.

hongjoong wrapped his arms around seonghwas neck and pulled himself up. his stomach glided across seonghwas lightly clothed member, making the older shut his eyes and mouth tightly, trying to surpass any noise that was threatening to come out.

"hwa," hongjoong breathed out on seonghwas neck.

"joong," seonghwa said trialing his fingers up and down hongjoongs back.

hongjoong pulled himself up, straddling seonghwa and tugging at his shoulders to make seonghwa sit up.

seonghwa complied and sat up. hongjoong sitting directly on top of him, making the older go insane at the state they were currently in. the sexual tension was so high that seonghwa was excited to see what would happen next.

hongjoong arched his back, pushing his chest onto seonghwa, but leaving his lower body where it was.

seonghwa groaned quietly and placed his hands on hongjoongs waist and hips.

"don't tease pretty," seonghwa warned.

"i love it when you call me that hwa," hongjoong said seductively, looking up at seonghwa through his eyelashes, making him almost go insane.

seonghwa had enough and smashed his lips onto hongjoongs. the kiss was messy and hot. teeth clashing, tongues fighting, and noises being let out quietly.

seonghwa felt hongjoong get harder, as his member was poking his own stomach.

he knew that they both wanted it so bad. he wanted hongjoong to take initiative of that though, as he didn't want to push hongjoong into doing something he didn't want to act upon.

this was the farthest the both have gotten in past times, but this was by far the most sensual one.

hongjoong got a rush of confidence and began trailing his hands underneath seonghwas loose shirt, touching his bare skin with his fingers.

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