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As life went on in the shelter,I began to wonder if Evie had maybe forgot about me,that she's replaced me with another dog,a better dog.the thought of it sent chills down my spine,I would never replace Evie,i barely trust anyone but her,especially after what that horrible man did.the kennel block doors swung open,I didn't look up.i was used to it,people coming and going,I've giving up hoping that Evie might walk through the doors,that she's forgotten about me.
Then I heard some voices,a young lady's voice and a young mans voice,I looked up slowly,a tall man wearing a leather jacket and skinny jeans was walking with a girl who had long blonde hair and she was wearing a junk suit,she was looking in all the kennels,whispering to the man.then she stopped infront of joeys kennel to pet him.
Here we go,as I thought.joeys going to be taken to a new family,and I'll be here all on my,I must not think like that. Strangely the girl seemed familiar,she looked and sounded like some one I've seen before,but I just couldn't think who. The girl skipped along the kennel rows staring blankly at each one,she turned around and spotted me sitting in my kennel miserably.thats when it happened.she came over to me and began speaking softly " don't be afraid, hey look ill tell you something ok" she whispered as she stroked my ears through the bars of my kennel "I used to have a dog just like you,the same colour,same soft brown eyes.but she wasn't as shy as you,and I can't imagine her ending up here either,Darcy.that was her name I think" she said looking up ears pricked up as my name was mentioned "you like that?" She smiled,I wagged my tail.i can remember who it is.

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