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12th August, 2024

I had a fun weekend at my Aunt's house, on Saturday, we had girls day in, just watching movies cooking and baking. While on Sunday we all went out to random parks, restaurants and shopping malls and had the fun of our lives. Oh, and I made the peppered beef for Aymaan on Saturday.

Today is Monday and I will be going to Imaan's school around five when their lectures will end as she said. This is not the first time I am at their school. So all I have to do is wait for her in the parking lot where her car is parked.

Right now I'm in their school in my black and white Kimono with sweat pants and a T shirt, with my extra balck shades and nose mask on, my finishing touch with my sneakers also black in color. It is around 5:15 pm now, she should be out any second now, I said in my mind.

Just then, I heard someone said
"Excuse me, are you waiting for someone, if so please step aside I want to use my car"
The person said emphasizing on "my car". I just laughed at the person knowing who exactly it is and removed my shade saying
"More like our car right"
I also said emphasizing on "our car".
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... Bitchhhhhhh it's you"
Imaan shouted while jumping on me causing unnecessary attention on us.
"Can't breathe.. Can't breathe, c-caaann'ttt breaatthhhee"
I shouted while hugging her back.
"Oh my God babe, I love you soo much, when did you come, why didn't you tell me, when are you going back, hope you're staying long??"
She said all in one breath.
"Hey hey, chill chill, I will answer your questions but now let's go somewhere and sit, my feet hurt like hell, I've been standing for long"
I complained.
"Yeah, let's go, and I know the perfect place to go"
She said while entering the passengers seat and handing me the key to her BMW V8.
Yes, I'm driving, that's like an unspoken rule between us. Whenever I'm in town I get to drive, unless if I don't feel like driving.

I started the car and she input the location on the map of the car and off we go.

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