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10th May, 2024

"My legs, my hands, my head, Mama I'm going to die" I cried while on the hospital bed .
"Sannu Boddo, I'm sorry, it'll get better In Sha Allah and you won't die , stop saying that" Mama said with worry in her eyes and voice .
"Sorry Aisha, Allah ya baki lafiya" Khadija also said from the foot of the bed .

I have been admitted to he hospital day before yesterday because my crisis have started . It has been two years since I last had any and as a sickle cell that's a good sign, but I guess it had other plans for me . Alhamdullillah there was no blood transfusion but I have been on hydration since the day I was here . The doctor said it was because of extreme dehydration and a little bit of low blood pressure, he said it'll get better after a few days and I really can't wait . I'm suffering beyond words.

A phone rang later after I'm feeling much better and it was mine , Khadija took it for me and from the look on her face I know who it is .
"It's him yeah ?" I asked her weakness lacing my voice .
"Yeah, should I pick it , he's been calling since day before yesterday I had to switch off the phone , I just switched it on since you're feeling better now. Damn , it's a miracle he hasn't flown back to Nigeria already, I'm sure he's worried sick" she said smiling . I smiled too and said
"Just give it to me"
"You sure ?" She asked cause she knows that's one thing I'll always hide from him; My Illness .
"Don't worry, I know what to do." I collected the phone just as the call cut , but a few seconds later he's already calling back and I picked up my heart racing at the anticipation of hearing his voice again after days of not hearing it . I cleared my throat but before I said a word ;
"Subhanallah you're finally picking , Aisha what is wrong with you ? Ignoring my calls for three days Aisha do you know what situation you've put me in ? Aisha hankali na ya tashi , I couldn't sleep for days , I couldn't even concentrate on the work that brought me here . Aisha why are you doing this to me ? Aisha me ya same ki ? I can feel that something is wrong . Baby please tell me you're alive and the one that picked this call not someone else . Baby girl?" He said all in one breath .
"Baby why are you calling my name like this ?"
I replied with tears in my eyes already emotional from just hearing his voice and how worried he is . And I know he's mad because he doesn't call my name this way .
"Innalillahi babe is that all you heard ?" He said with disbelief.
"I'm sorry Habeeby , I was sick and I couldn't take the call. It was just an allergic reaction to the Fish that I ate mistakenly and now I'm at the hospital, but don't worry everything has been taken care of . I'm feeling much better baby . Please concentrate on your work and don't let my shenanigans distract you" I said not completely lying.
"I don't want a poor husband" I joked
" Ya Rabb, leave it to you baby girl to make jokes in serious situations. You were sick and no one cared to tell me ? Not even any of the girls ? How can I trust them to take care of you when I'm not around ? Why won't anyone tell me ? Huh ??" Oops, he sounds really angry right now , but I know what to do .
" *sniff sniff sniff * baby I'm sorry, I told everyone not to tell you because I didn't want you worried *sniff sniff sniff* I'm so sorry Mi Amore" I said while crying .
"Subhanallah, baby girl stop crying please, it's okay , I understand why you didn't tell me , I'm no more angry , I've forgiven you but please just stop crying you know I hate it" he said with so much worry.
"Please clean your tears kinji baby na, I'll be back tomorrow and you'll be the first person I come to see In Sha Allah, so stop crying please"
He said forgetting about being mad at me and everything. I know it'd work .
"Shikenan , I've stopped crying. I missed you so much Mi Amore , I can't wait to see you" I replied .
"I missed you more Hayaati, I can't wait to see you too , I miss your scent. But please don't ever do something like this to me again, whatever happens please always inform me kinji matata?" He said using my favourite endearment 'Matata' meaning 'My wife' .
"Eh naji mijina" I replied with his favorite endearment too 'Mijina' meaning 'My husband'.
"So how are you feeling,? are you still at the hospital? When are you getting discharged ?"
He kept asking questions on what he missed for he past few days and I told him the truth where needed and lied where necessary.

I'm such a horrible girlfriend.

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