Marina x reader x Pearl

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This one is gonna have the reader be polyamorous so just a heads up for that.

( also I've decided that I'll be using (Y/N) and other povs from now on cus I don't really like using the narrator's pov)

(Y/C) = your caretaker(s)


I came back home from a long trip of shopping to prepare for a mini get-together that me and my partners planned for our caretakers since we all wanted to get to know each other. Putting the groceries down,I got to work.

After some cooking and cleaning, I heard the door swing open " we're back!" " sorry we took so long.We had to finish some business." They both came up to me and gave me a kiss on either side of my cheeks.

Pearl's POV
Looking around our place I whistled in awe " is there anything you need us to help you with?" I asked (Y/N), seeing how hard they worked to make the place look nice. " nah , I already finished up mostly everything." " Aww you'll make me feel bad! At least give me at least one thing to do!"
Even though I was kinda joking around, I did feel bad they had to do all this on their own while we were gone. "Uhhh...oh! You could mop the house cus I don't think I've done that yet.

Pearlie threw her fist in the air while whisper-shouting " booyah!" And went to go grab the mop. She's so adorable sometimes.
I looked over at Marina who had a bit of a worried expression on her face.
"Rina are you okay?"
"Oh nothing (Y/N). Just a little worried... you think our parents will accept us?"

Marina's POV
I couldn't help but feel worried. I remember trying to hint to my parents about me being polyamorous. They were more on the unsure side but it wasn't in a hateful way,their reaction was more confused than anything. I can't really speak on Pearlie's or (N/N)'s caretakers,but let's hope it doesn't leave us feeling depressed for the night.
I felt arms wrap around me.
"Your mumbling to yourself. Don't worry, it's going to be okay." "But what if it's not!?" I said not meaning to shout. " then we'll end it just like how it started."

I noticed tears rolling down Rina's face so grabbed her cheeks and wiped her tears away with my thumbs. She just sighed and leaned into me "I'm sorry I didn't mean to..."
"It's okay I feel nervous too." I said pulling her away so we could be face to face "but I'll make sure nothing happens I promise. I'll keep you and Pearl safe." I grabbed her cheeks again and gave her kisses all over. Whenever any of us felt nervous, we would kiss each other all over it always made us feel better. "Hehehee stop that tickles!" Marina giggled out.Cod I love hearing her laugh.

Pearl's POV
As I finished up my work I heard laughter. Their having fun without me! I rushed into the room and saw (Y/N) tickling Rina all over with kisses.
They stop and stare at me before I lunge and attack them! As we were all having fun we heard knocking on the door. Getting off of my partners I opened the door...

As our mini get-together came to a conclusion,We went to bed.
"That.was.FUN!!!" Pearl shouted.
"I don't know what I was so worried about! That went well."Marina said, physically melting into her pillow as a sigh escaped her mouth.
"You said it!" I said hugging them both. What a day.


I had fun writing this one.
Hope you enjoyed!

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