Shiver x male reader

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Requested by @vsxgoodcoolstriker

You were a close friend of the Squid Sisters as you worked in the New Squidbeak Splatoon. You were mostly there for backup since your  friends were always the ones on the frontline but you would be called in to help sometimes.

Now you were here fidgeting with your hands as you waited for the new recruit to show up. And speaking of here came the star of the show!

You and Callie started blabbing the poor inkling's ear off and sent them of on their mission until you heard an voice shout out "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!!"

You looked over towards where a higher part of the snow was and saw a trio of three unusual characters. A bright yellow haired person holding a eel mask over her face,a blue haired person who was also holding up a mask but it was a shark mask, and finally a huge manta ray with once again a mask but you couldn't tell what it was supposed to be.

"And who are you supposed to be?!" I asked towards the group in confusion "we're not supposed to be anything." Said the shark one. "But I'll tell you who we ARE."said the eel one as she peeked out of her mask and locked eyes with me. "Say it with sizzle... I'm Frye!" As she threw her mask and winked.

"You think you're cool? Sharks call ME cold- blooded." Said the shark one as they peeked out of their mask and looked over at me they have such... piercing eyes. They smirked as they noticed my face contort into a face of awe. "But you can call me Shiver!" They shouted as they did some kind of magic trick and made their mask turn into a fan.

"Ay ( make money! Get fish quick!) said the Manta ray but unlike his counterparts he didn't throw his mask. "Ay (Big Man in the house!)"

"The Splatlands are our turf."
"Only we may loot here."
"Ay (Yeah!)"

"We are...

Deep cut!"



"I... love them." Callie swooned over the trio as she went into a lovey dovey pose. "You said it." I slouched specifically talking about Shiver. Man they are such a beauty. But I guess Marie didn't think of them the same way we were but she has always been that way towards anything.
"Whatever. What do you want anyway? Wait did you say Deep cut?" I got out of my dumb lovesick gaze " Wait like Deep cut from the Anarchy Splatcast thing?" You questioned looking over at Marie then looking back at the group.

Frye turned towards Marie and crouched down to her level "Yeah, it's called a day job. You should look into it. Banditing is our REAL passion. Nothing can stop us!" She spoke with confidence clear in her voice. Hate to interrupt, Frye... but have you looked around? We've hit the jackpot! Who knew this was here?" Shiver waved their arms around to emphasize towards the "treasure"

"All this time... treasure was just sitting here under the Crater. Now it's ours for the taking." 

"Ay (Good eye, Shiver!)" said leaning towards his friend. Frye pointed her finger at the three of us and said in a very forced intimidating voice " So... are you gonna try and stop us or what?"
"Because you totally can't! We're taking all of it for ourselves. Hahahahah!"
"Man it's like they're movie stars." You chuckled leaning towards Callie as she giggled as you were both tickled pink by how over dramatic they were. Shiver then bent backwards and started laughing.
"Haha you silly simpleton. Just wait until you see the damage the three of us can do! Then WE will have the last laugh." Shiver's grin grew wider as they started getting closer and I could feel my myself getting nervous but I stood my ground. We stared into each other's eyes as if to see who will snap first.

Shiver then bopped my nose lightly with their fan catching me by surprise and backed away towards their friends.
"Well I'm over this conversation. The treasure is ours. I'd wish you luck, but... I don't want to." Said pointing their fan at me as glared at them.

"Catch you later!" Shiver and Big Man struck a pose while Frye stuck out her tongue while pulling her lower eyelid down and they disappeared in a puff of smoke.

that was... something.

"Well I guess before we get gramps we have to defeat those three." Callie said pointing to where the three idols were. "And by 'we' you mean the new agent 3?" Marie asked her giddy cousin. "Yupparoo!" Callie said while pumping her fist in the air.

I just looked at where the three idols were standing before and all I could think about was Shiver. They were just so... intriguing. But hey, at least with this mission I'll get to know more about them.

Only time will tell.

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